Tag "Anti Homosexuality"
URGENT! Another Reason To Be Careful
A good friend of mine and fellow KDian was kind enough to share the information below that awoke a mix of emotions inside me. Apparently, our police force has decided
Dear KD: I Want My Brother Rescued From Homophobia
In a typical Igbo setting, a male child is said to be a gift from heaven. The more male children a woman has, the more renowned and respected she is.
Anti-Gay Pastor attacks Gay Man by Squeezing His Penis
A pastor was arrested on charges of assault after allegedly squeezing the private parts of a homosexual man, reports the police in Indiana. Seymour Police said that they arrested 59-year-old
‘He should continue in the land of the dead.’ Proof That Nigeria’s Humanity is Ever On The Decline
So, while 9-year-old Americans were giving their teacher compassionate letters in acceptance of his sexuality, faceless Nigerians on the cyber warpath had no compassion to give, even in the face
Photos: Someone To BEWARE Of
A KDian who doubles as an LIB reader stumbled across a disturbing comment someone made against what could only have been an LGBT post on Linda Ikeji’s blog. And he
Update: And The Idiocy Continues…
So in the wake of Kukogho Iruesiri Samson’s rant against his chykers on Facebook, one of his followers, a self-professed poet himself, posted an updated that amounted to a campaign
December 9 I was in a pretty good mood for the most of last week. Then my mum came in like a wrecking ball and spoilt it for me. I