Tag "Hypocrisy"

The Happenings 11 Comments

Westboro Baptist Church Sides With The LGBT Community On The Kim Davis Issue

Buy some ice skates… Hell has frozen over. The hate-mongering organization known as Westboro Baptist Church has come out of the closet with its disapproval of the antigay Rowan county

Our Stories 34 Comments

That Humorous Piece About The Antigay County Clerk Kim Davis

The world must now know about Kim Davis, the Rowan county clerk who is defying the US court’s decision to give gay couples their marriage license. Despite being hauled into

Our Stories 20 Comments

Sex And A Straight Man’s Point Of View

This piece was originally published on adebayoadegbite.wordpress.com, and titled ‘On Sex And Voyeurism’. I read it from a twitter feed, loved it and simply had to share. * This piece

Editor's Desk 45 Comments

‘You can’t evangelize and antagonize at the same time!’ – Pastor Dewey Smith

Pinky went to church yesterday! Hallelujah! 😀 A good KDian sent me the YouTube video below that is the ministration of Pastor Dewey Smith. As I watched, I said to

Our Stories 44 Comments

For Instance, This…

This is a Facebook post someone drew my attention to, and after reading, all I could do was laugh. It is a thing of beauty when one’s hypocrisy is shown

The Happenings 35 Comments

Anti-Gay Pastor’s Grindr Activity Is Exposed, Church Warns Congregants Not To Read Story

Recently, the news was broken of a Reverend Matthew Makela, a pastor in Midland, Michigan with a track record of making damaging statements towards the gay and transgender communities, and

Series (Non-Fiction) 138 Comments


Ben: Dennis baby Me: Excuse me? Ben: Dennis baby Me: Since when did that one start? Ben: Rest please, not like this will be the first time that a man

Our Stories 37 Comments

Homosexuality: The Hypocrisy Of Islam

There is a consensus among Islamic scholars that all humans are naturally heterosexual, thus homosexuality is seen by Muslims as a sinful perversion from the norm. Severe punishments, mostly death,

Series (Non-Fiction) 101 Comments


My leave approval came through on the 10th of December and I had never been more excited to see an email (except of course, credit notification emails from GTBank). I

The Happenings 22 Comments

Anti-Gay Pastor attacks Gay Man by Squeezing His Penis

A pastor was arrested on charges of assault after allegedly squeezing the private parts of a homosexual man, reports the police in Indiana. Seymour Police said that they arrested 59-year-old