Tag "nature"

Editor's Desk 4 Comments

A CELEBRATION OF DIVERSITY (An Anniversary Note On Kito Diaries)

The universe, in all its ramifications, expresses an overabundance of diversity everywhere you look. On Planet Earth, there are about 8.7 million (give or take 1.3 million) different species –

Opinion Pieces 6 Comments

“But Who Have I Hurt If I Were Gay?” Chude Jideonwo’s Must Read Equality Speech

A speech by Chude Jideonwo One of the tragedies of human progress is this constant tug between two stubborn binaries: progressive and conservative. People often camp in front of their

Editor's Desk 8 Comments


The basic conclusion of the argument of “against nature” — as thrown around by Anti-LGBTIQ+ proponents — is that non-heterosexual orientations are not natural. Allow me to reiterate that this

Editor's Desk 5 Comments

Homosexuality Among Animals: Can Animals Be Gay?

According to Darwin, the sexual impulses of animals are designed to cause reproduction, and are therefore necessarily heterosexual. But recent research suggests that homosexual animals – often dismissed by biologists

The Happenings 7 Comments

Two male lions photographed in… a particularly intimate situation

Amateur wildlife photographer Russ Bridges managed to snap a series of photos that find two adult male lions at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in a rather compromising position. As one

Editor's Desk 14 Comments

WATCH: This Father Explains Why Homosexuality is About Survival Not Sex in Powerful TED Talk

Dr. James O’Keefe MD a few months gave a TEDx Talk in Dublin, Ireland about how evolutionary science can explain the persistence of homosexuality throughout time. According to O’Keefe, homosexuality

James' Journal 31 Comments


November 7 I’ve been perusing a psychology textbook by John Myers. Social psychology. I’d previously read another one of his textbooks and had immensely enjoyed it. It showed me how

Gallery 18 Comments

Photo Of The Day: Animal Loving

During my service year, I saw my neighbour’s male pig, very horny little thing, banging away at another male one in the sty. It made for some amusement to us

Our Stories 12 Comments


Human beings are really very unimaginative. We live in a world where people want everything to be in black and white. But Nature herself displays a contrary opinion high up