The Morning Poem
I saw our silhouettes dancing against the stone backdrop
That is my heart
It is a monument,
It represents a myth that was once true
We flickered with the same intensity as flames in a campfire
I began to feel warmth inside me, a burning sensation
The monument collapsed the moment you decided
This love wasn’t good enough anymore.
It was then that I truly knew
What it felt like to be heartbroken
A memory of our silhouettes
Danced against the aftermath of your destruction
The stand is a reminder that when you shine a light on our souls
Only darkness is revealed.
Written by Maxonex
October 06, 06:22Nice one, Maxonex.
October 06, 06:45Thanx .
October 06, 06:37*yawns* nice 1 sire
October 06, 06:46🙂
Dennis Macauley
October 06, 06:42The one that got away!
Poetry helps in dark times!
Write your pain away
October 06, 07:10Hmm..
October 06, 07:15…And U, TeamKizito, I’ve been watching u for a while now with this ur “hmm”…one day that ur mouth will be unlocked by forces…
October 06, 07:32I have never been a fan of poetry sadly, but I do love read nice stanzas, and this is one of those lovely pieces I’ve read. it draws you into the poets darkness but then he tries to make it less overwhelming.
Excellent work Max.
October 06, 09:06Thanx 🙂
October 06, 07:54I love what you do with imagery here. Visual Imagery. How you created these personas using light and shade. Nice one.
October 06, 09:07Thanx.. I c u
October 06, 07:55I feel you max…it just reminds of someone I thot was gonna be the queenbee but alas nothing worked in that department……so sad!
October 06, 07:58Yea, major disappointments have a way of creeping up on you like that, don’t they?
October 06, 08:12Yes oh they do!!! But I wonder why??? Why can’t we just keep our excesses in check especially “black naija” gay guys….just for the relationship….why c ant we just be patient enough and check to see how the other person feels and sort of put ourselves in his shoes JUST TO LET THE RELATIONSHIP breathe at the initial stage and have a rhythm of it’s own….eish…serious shi!!!
October 06, 08:35Speaking off tangent here.
Dennis Macauley
October 06, 08:18Chestnut where are you. This two people here are throwing metaphors!
Something is happening here!
October 06, 08:31Hian dennis, ‘rapum’ biko!why do u want to bring my legs outside and lift them in d air in d middle of these two and their…”delicate” relationship? Abeg put me down o, I no wear pant biko! Hehehe
October 06, 08:31But truly Dennis luv….did you and Mrs Macaulay have it smooth initially and haven’t you guys fought b4? well not literally but u know what am talking bout shay?? And what’s so special about her him that your still in d game…pray tell biko so maybe my heart will be able to mend…..
October 06, 08:40*rolling eyes to Abuja and back* Sometimes, vulnerability isn’t a good fit, no matter how hard you tug it down over your body.
October 06, 08:46King, “her/him”? *side-eye*
Dennis Macauley
October 06, 08:52King this looks like a war zone, I beg to excuse myself outta here! I see pink missiles flying!
Chestnut please enter moto let’s drive off, so much is going on here! We can observe with a telescope biko!
October 06, 08:57@dennis: Shotgun!… Er, wait…lemme sit at d back…(#FearOfTheOtherMrMacauley)
October 06, 08:43sadly, am not a major fan of poetry like I am of beautiful prose … nevertheless I recognise the creativity that bore this … its beautiful Max! plz keep the creative juices flowing …
October 06, 09:09Thanx dear.
October 06, 10:54Nicely written, short precise and relateable. Nyc one Max
October 06, 11:48I’m really not into poetry, but then I’m tying to synchronize the first sentence and the “What it felt to be heartbroken”… Not sure I understand the combination…
October 06, 17:57I lived it ..I love it..Wonderful ,Mindblowing and Gracious..Lost memories are back..Pink pather..Thanks Darling
October 06, 18:05Oh Maxonex..My Apologies..U did a wonderful work..
October 06, 21:28Lol…thanx dear