The Proposal: Here Are Two Queer Men Are Looking For Long-Lasting Connections With Interested Queer Women
1. A Germany-based Gay Man Looking To Co-Parent With A Lesbian or Bisexual Woman
Hello, I’m Felix, 30 years old, and a Nigerian gay man based in Germany. Sadly, I am under pressure to start my own family. My older siblings are all married with a kid or two. And so, all eyes from my family are on me to take my turn and do the needful.
However, I do not have any plans of getting married, but I am very much ready to have my own kids. For this reason, I’m here hoping to find a lesbian or bisexual lady who also wishes to have kids without necessarily being married to the father of her kids. I would prefer an independent woman, who would be willing to accept a 50/50 shared parenting plan.
You do not have to already be based in Germany, but for the child’s interest, we both need to be within the European schengen regions. The woman I am hoping to co-parent with should be understanding and a lover of children.
If you are interested, kindly reach out to me on
Thank you.
2. A Lagos-based Gay Man Looking To Commit To A Marriage With A Lesbian
I am Eddy, 35 years old, from the South, and a working professional who lives in Lagos, Nigeria.
I am seeking a contractual arrangement with a lesbian interested in starting a friendship that will eventually lead to marriage to me. This is quite urgent as my family is starting to pressure me into a marital commitment.
So the ideal woman should be within the age range of 28-34 years, from any part of the country, smart and a working professional. I am open to having children and willing to explore available channels to achieve this.
If you genuinely share the same plight, please reach out to me at We can take it up from there.
Thank you.
January 19, 08:52Mr Felix, have you ever considered getting a surrogate and a nanny for the kid(s)?
Mr Eddy, it mustn’t necessarily be a lesbian. Expand your search to include ladies open to such arrangement
January 19, 09:07Rehoboth is right. Felix, for what you are proposing, you don’t really need a lesbian partner. You are in the advanced society where you could easily get a surrogate to carry a child for you, and then a nanny to help you with the childcare.
January 19, 09:36A full time nanny in Germany would be charging around 1300 euros per month which is roughly 650k in naira. That’s a lot. These options would be the final resort.
Instead of paying all that to a foreign Nanny, I’d rather go the village, marry a responsible girl, make her the mother of my kids and put her on a monthly salary of 150k (I believe 150k is enough to live a very comfortable life in the village)
That’s why I’m considering co-parenting. But if this plan doesn’t work, village here I come!
May God help us all
Sage Philip
January 19, 20:46Beware of those village girls. Ha n’awazikwa Anya.
Royal Knight
June 22, 09:20I understand your decision, for me it’s about giving the child or children a mother. That’s something surrogacy or having a nanny can’t replace.
Wish you the best bro!
January 19, 22:36And your child will be raised in a Nigerian village.
January 20, 10:51All these witches, allow them na. All these negative energy. Witch
January 24, 11:13Get a lesbian
January 24, 14:14Eziokwu.