This Epic Rant Perfectly Breaks Down Heterosexual Privilege
The fact is LGBTQ people have to deal with challenges heterosexual people will never have to face. Twitter user @jermainedesign perfectly broke down exactly what that privilege entails in a recent epic rant.
The Complexity of Human Sexuality
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Tweet Of The Day XXI
Inspire someone in the community always. Be the reason someone lives his truth.
Tweet of the Day: To LGBT Nigerians
Whether it is a tweet or a Facebook post, whether it’s a visit to a blog post or skimming through Instagram, whether online or offline, whether it’s during TV time
Tweet Of The Day VII
LOL. #JustSaying
January 08, 08:00This deserves to be retweeted a million times ?????
January 08, 08:39oh thank you ?. We will not be silenced
January 08, 09:58Yasssssss …
Its time all ye gays rise up tho
Reality is if yall continue with the status quo nothing will change
Canis VY Majoris
January 08, 17:58It’s like the LGBTQAC ain’t about the back burner role this 2018 o. Everyone is fuelling a revolution.
When we rise. The tide conforms.