Today, I saw Fireboy DML. He had the cutest smile and the most interesting winks I had ever seen. I watched him walk through the backstage, with his security and his team preparing to get him on stage to perform. And I, a wandering journalist, was looking to get an interview with him for my blog. I stood there in awe, staring at this fine specimen the Orishas had created, clad in his black outfit, ready to step out on stage to entrap the crowd out there with the magic of his performance.

How do I get an interview with him? The questions I wanted to ask raced through my mind as I trailed after him backstage. Where was I to get the courage to ask for an interview? He had a crowd waiting for him, but I just wanted to hear his voice, hear him say something to me, give me his word that we would talk later. I had a big crush on him and my heart was pounding as I decided to take a chance.

I walked up to a member of his team.

“So sorry, he has fifteen minutes before he gets on stage,” the guy said to me with that officious attitude of one who knows they are serving someone everybody wants but can’t have.

“Please, I just need three minutes with him… You can set a timer, I promise I won’t waste his time,” I begged like my life depended on it.

Another member of his team shouted from another corner, this time closer to the stage. “Ten more minutes!”

My heart skipped. I needed this. How was I going to get an interview with him? I could see Fireboy looking at me from a distance. I could see the tension in his eyes and the translations from his beautiful pink lips. In that moment, my heart rate paused and I found myself wanting badly to kiss those lips. We were eye contacts away from each other.

And then he winked in my direction.

Oh my god!

This must be a sign! This had to be a sign!

Feeling adrenaline rush through me, I screamed at him, “Can I get an interview with you?”

For a brief moment, I was the craziest living human that ever existed in this space. Everyone turned to stare at me with varying expressions of annoyance. But I didn’t care. I was watching him walk back down from behind the podium, headed my way.

Here it was! I could feel my heartbeat accelerating as I watched him draw closer. He was coming to grant me my request. Oh god, I could feel my breath shortening with my anticipation.

And then, someone moved into my line of sight. It was a full-bodied young woman. He flashed a smile at her, and then hugged her. Then he kissed her roughly on the lips, before saying audibly for her to wait for him.

Then to my astonishment, he turned to the security and told them to escort me out of the premises.

Written by TK

Next THE PROPOSAL: A Queer Man Is Looking For A Partner For Marriage

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  1. Morgan
    October 19, 12:44 Reply

    Lmao! God abeg. This was not the ending I was looking forward to.

    • Wizdiamond
      October 19, 13:04 Reply

      Seriously 😒, it wasn’t but that’s bad of him tho

  2. Loki
    October 19, 13:27 Reply

    The anticipation i had while reading this only to get to d end😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Damn, u must have been embarrassed so to speak

  3. Hadari
    October 19, 13:43 Reply

    Such an embarrassing moment for you

  4. Chaklux
    October 19, 14:05 Reply

    This must have been very embarrassing. Not the ending I hoped for. You must felt bad. Sorry about that.

  5. TJ
    October 19, 14:18 Reply

    Oh no!! Not this ending 🤣🤣

  6. ken
    October 20, 15:01 Reply

    Hahahahaha kikikikiki

    • Don G
      November 03, 17:59 Reply

      We need to know the end of this great story

  7. FRED
    October 20, 22:29 Reply

    Today’s stories though.
    Just giving surprising twists

  8. Danii G
    April 19, 16:51 Reply

    OMG i’m so sorry but to be honest i sure he has his reasons
    at least you saw him
    i will grab that oppotunity

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