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From The Net 3 Comments

10 Lessons Bottoming Teaches You About Life

There are some things in life that become crystal clear only when you’ve had a dick in your butt. Excuse my bluntness, but as Monique Heart likes to say, “Facts

From The Net 11 Comments

Random Questions: About Gay Relationships

It’s a common sentiment in the gayborhood that gay relationships don’t last. People are either saying that because of the disillusionment they feel over the random hookups gay men are

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Tweet of the Day: Reject The Shaming Over Your Sensitivity

If you’re outspoken about LGBT rights, you’d most likely have come up against a tweet or comment mocking or scolding you for being too sensitive. Heck, you might have even


  1. Law
    March 08, 10:50 Reply

    Because we are always mindful of what others think or impressions they make in their head. For me these days. I think I care less about whatever. I will be me and live to my fullest!

  2. real
    March 08, 20:53 Reply

    this is sooo depressing

  3. baddest
    March 11, 21:36 Reply

    Total bullshit,let say everyone out there that ain’t gay are living their life freely in Nigeria,hahahahaha,this one Na proper mumu abeg ,many people are sad and depressed no matter their sexuality ,no matter their country

  4. tboi
    March 12, 17:18 Reply

    Is It The App Password For Both Grindr And Surge, Or The Problem Of Hiding Folders Of Gayporn…etc…..

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