Westboro Baptist Church Sides With The LGBT Community On The Kim Davis Issue
Buy some ice skates… Hell has frozen over. The hate-mongering organization known as Westboro Baptist Church has come out of the closet with its disapproval of the antigay Rowan county clerk Kim Davis. Divorce and remarriage are no-nos in Westboro’s eyes, and it has armed itself with the bible passage that proves it, reports Deep South Daily. Since Davis’s four walks down the aisle are the result of her three divorces, she has become one of the church’s prime targets. The church is even calling for her resignation. Clutch the pearls!
Stating, “If Kim Davis has any real fear of God, she’ll resign and move out of the house from the man she lives w/ in adultery,” the organization has been quite active on social media expressing its disdain for the jailed Rowan County Clerk. In addition to its binge tweeting, the church has also been circulating photoshopped images of Davis with the captions, “INCONVENIENT TRUTH: GOD HATES DIVORCE” and “DIVORCE + REMARRIAGE = ADULTERY.”
Here are some of the gems that have been posted on the WBCSaysRepent Twitter account:
It’s interesting that the organization would take the stance that Davis violated her oath since part of said oath is issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
But, alas, don’t go breaking out the champagne just yet. While it might look like Westboro has suddenly jumped over to the same side of the fence as the LGBT community, they are still very much against marriage equality. Even though the church perceives Davis as an adulterous, sinful county clerk who has not done her job, the organization somehow feels that she is partially responsible for what they call “fag marriage.” Perhaps the people over at Westboro don’t fully comprehend that Kim Davis doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage either, and she’s in jail for refusing to issue licenses for those very marriages.
Flawed ideology, but it’s still nice to have a fraction of support from Westboro Baptist Church. Enjoy the moment because it will probably never happen again. Meanwhile, I’ma be here like:
September 10, 06:14And the ever corrosive cycle of hate and judgement increases!
September 10, 06:25Hahahahahahahahahahahaa!!! Oh this is ironic. Please dear God, let this drama play out long and hard. I’d love to see a rebuttal from the Kim Davis side of the arena.
September 10, 06:31You said “LONG” and “HAAARD”…hehehe…
Pink Panther
September 10, 06:34Chestnut, why have u decided to be evil this early morning?
September 10, 06:35Me?evil? *innocent stare*
September 10, 06:34But why does this Kim Davis dress as if she has multiple personality disorder?she dresses as if two different people dress her up in two separate outfits, at the same time…
September 10, 07:05Enough of this lady already. She’s getting a lot of attention.
Tiercel de Claron
September 10, 09:34Kim Davies is in jail for refusing to do her job,issue marriage licences to all,not just LGBT.Though revulsion at gay marriage is the cause for her action.Let’s get things clear.
Really,it shouldn’t come as a surprise that any law-abiding organization would come out against Davies,no matter their political cum religious leaning.The issue here is not about Davies’ religious persuasion,but a refusal to do a job she’d sworn an oath to and still not take the path of honour by resigning.
September 10, 10:22i’m sick and tired of this matter, PP i love the Mj’s picture(quite the attention catcher)
September 10, 12:31LMAO … I love how this bitch is being ripped a new butthole, her hypocrisy has been grilled, broiled, sauteed, stir-fried and served to her ice cold .. POW!!!
September 10, 14:16Gobe!!!