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Editor's Desk 54 Comments

The Struggles Of Being Gay At Work Are Revealed On Whisper

Work life can suck — no arguing that one. But it can go from unpleasant to downright insufferable for LGBT employees who feel pressured to hide their identities from bosses

Editor's Desk 1Comments

The Distracted Boyfriend Meme Got a Very Gay Happy Ending

One of our favorite memes of the decade has gotten a very gay update! That viral stock image picturing a man whistling at a passerby while holding the hand of

Editor's Desk 8 Comments

The Nigeria Prize for Difference & Diversity launches | You Can Nominate A Pioneer in this First edition to be endowed by Chude Jideonwo for N1 million

The Working Group for The Nigeria Prize for Difference & Diversity has announced the launch of the initiative, with its first edition to hold in late 2020. The new prize


  1. Legalkoboko
    December 11, 04:13 Reply


    I don’t think it is Down’s Syndrome.
    It must be a kind of eye defect “that can be corrected”.

    • King
      December 11, 05:18 Reply

      Legal,I saw what you did there,gently telling Pinky that Down’s syndrome Ȋ̝̊̅§ a congenital malformation which can not be corrected(with current medical care) unlike eye disorders

  2. Kryss S
    December 11, 07:25 Reply

    Jukwa ha oh(Ask them oh)! Ndi asiri! Asiri gbakwa ute! Mstcheeeeew!

  3. FKA Chizzie
    December 11, 07:38 Reply

    its the self professed satirist with his faux twitter activism and his struggle attempts at being sarcastic. I’m not a fan of this man, I personally think lawyers shouldn’t spend that much time tweeting rhetorics up and down – esp not lawyers that are busy and successful at their craft.

    And he should really have his jaundice treated and his skin lightened a tad bit. He looks like a ghoul

    • Metrosexual
      December 11, 09:19 Reply

      So much vitriol, Chizzie… I hope you took Aspirin after typing in your comment….

    • Kryss S
      December 11, 09:54 Reply

      Ewoooooooo! Onye mere nwa ifa? Smh! Choi! That person no try @ all! Ndoo……… So much hate bottled up inside.

    • AC/DC
      December 11, 10:08 Reply

      Inhale love, exhale hate.
      Take it easy biko.
      Na ugly people dey first insult others.

      • FKA Chizzie
        December 11, 10:47 Reply

        ofcus u do pinky…cus its in pidgin and completely inarticulate and out of context

        • pinkpanthertb
          December 11, 10:49 Reply

          Shows how much i dislike your guts, doesn’t it? 🙂

      • FKA Chizzie
        December 11, 11:16 Reply

        I was thinking more on the lines of it showing where ur intellect capacity lies.

        • pinkpanthertb
          December 11, 12:08 Reply

          Please don’t think your propensity for being a bitch equals sound intellect. It means exactly that – that you’re a bitch.

        • pinkpanthertb
          December 11, 12:12 Reply

          And honey, I’d like ant comment that seeks to show you off for the unpleasant person you are, even if it was typed in bad Spanish

      • Deola
        December 11, 11:43 Reply

        Just passing by *adjusts seating position and continues eating popcorn*

      • Deola
        December 11, 12:27 Reply

        ROTFL. Hehehe. Bad Spanish.

      • FKA Chizzie
        December 11, 12:29 Reply

        right…I’m not goin to begin this circle with u again, the one where I say somethin u can’t handle and u go into a rage and send me a stinker via e-mail ending it w with words like “rubbish” . lol

        So how about u be the mature one here and just keep scrolling.

        • pinkpanthertb
          December 11, 13:03 Reply

          Please give me another excuse. Please, by God, give me an excuse to go into a rage and do what i have to do to wipe your smug prissy countenance out of here. Becos frankly all i see you doing here is trying to achieve what you swore you’d like to see happen on KD.

        • pinkpanthertb
          December 11, 13:07 Reply

          Ironic how you toss the word ‘mature’ about. You might wanna apply the adjective to yourself.

  4. Mrs Macaulay
    December 11, 09:46 Reply

    Some people are so dark and acerbic that’s it’s scary!

    I hope you don’t hurt yourself someday or someone!

  5. Ace
    December 11, 13:28 Reply

    Chizzie, i understand that your “brand” is to play devil’s advocate and find something wrong in the tiniest of things but you may want to reconsider how and where you sell your hate brand. It is suddenly loosing it’s shock value and coming off as immature.

  6. Deola
    December 11, 14:14 Reply

    Chizzie is one funny dude. Dude thinks being sharp tongued and critical about everything males him smart, most at times the opposite is the case. there is nothing wrong with disagreeing about something but to be critical about every single thing, it gets boring and you come off as an attention whore, which i think is the goal of all your comments. Attention.

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