When Two Or Three Are Gay In The Family

When Two Or Three Are Gay In The Family

Growing up gay is often an isolating experience. For some gay Nigerians, the thought of having a gay sibling to relate to during adolescence is an idea they find themselves recoiling from; to others, it sounds like it would have been a dream come true.

Here’s what gay siblings have been Whispering about lately.

And in the comments section, you may tell us your thoughts on having a gay sibling, if you don’t already have one. 😀 whisper1whisper2whisper3whisper4whisper5whisper6whisper7whisper8whisper9whisper10whisper11whisper12whisper13whisper14whisper15

Previous “I see scared people and comfortable people.” Jaden Smith Not Bothered By Gender Divide

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  1. Mandy
    March 17, 05:55 Reply

    That sixth whisper though, “whenever someone is surprised that both my brother and I are gay, I feign surprise that their siblings are straight’… ? ? ? ?

  2. Max 2.1
    March 17, 07:08 Reply

    Lol.. I know three different families which have more than one gay person in it. One of the families, three of the boys in the family happens to be gay. Discovering these things while I was young made me realize then that being gay might not have been a choice after all or something that could come about through nurture, because then I thought being gay was associated with having more female siblings or having no male sibling at all. It wasn’t long before I figured out that those were just myths.

    I would’ve loved to have a gay brother for just one reason- my life would’ve been so much easier and also we could gang up and beat up ex’s who attempts to hurt us by breaking our hearts. And also when we both eventually come out, the hurricane would be divided into two, so I wouldn’t have to face it alone.

    I would hate it for one reason- He would’ve been the one to relieve me of my stress/burden if he was straight.

    • posh6666
      March 17, 10:35 Reply

      You seem like a really violent person or sure do talk like one.Hardly do you make any comment without talking about either trying to break somebody’s head or bone..The way u talk so big and all tough online pls in real life how many people’s ass have you ever whooped?

      • Max 2.1
        March 17, 11:25 Reply

        Cross me in real life and you just might find out.. ??

        • posh6666
          March 17, 12:51 Reply

          There we go again making stupid mouth when u have never met a person in real life.You know there are millions of people out there who could probably kill you with few blows heck loads of 16yr olds could actually whoop ur azz my own younger brother will injure you real good.

          So I will advise you to chill with the unnecessary mouth you make to people you dont even know in real life cos you might get to meet some of these people in real life one of this days. The gay circle in Nigeria is too small.Lol bitch thinks he’s Goliath or some ninja warrior what an asshole!

          • Max 2.1
            March 17, 13:23 Reply

            E pain you? ???.. Shey I was on my own and you started looking for trouble. And you bringing your younger bro into your twisted comment speaks volumes of you. Grow up Toddie.. If you wanna die, go get someone else to grant you that wish, cos it sure ain’t gonna be me, I’m allergic to orangutans.

            And if it’s still paining you or you’re still holding unto whatever grudge you may be carrying around, take that grudge, boil it up and sip three spoonful 3 times daily for your headache.. If the symptoms continue, go see a psychiatrist or sit on a D. Ciao..

  3. KingBey
    March 17, 07:16 Reply

    The only gay relative I have is a distant cousin. But it feels soothing anytime we together because he’s family and also knows exactly who i am.

  4. bruno
    March 17, 07:23 Reply

    lol. i would settle for any brother really, gay or straight. i love my gay cousin though, even though we barely talk these days.

  5. ambivalentone
    March 17, 08:36 Reply

    The fifth is just sooo sad. I imagine the guilt they’d be feeling causing their parents that much pain.
    I av a gay distant relative. Bitch has gummy fingers for other ppl’s men. I haven’t spoken to him in near 2 years. I used to go his place and let my hair down. My gay pals have always alleged a coz to be a lesbian. But I pretend to be oblivious. A little too much testosterone is not enough proof she pulls

  6. Geeluv
    March 17, 08:40 Reply

    Hmmmm. I know two gay brothers that will never talk about it. They both discovered as an adult in the University but still don’t wanna relate as gay brothers….. By the way…. growing up, I had sex with my cousin who told me he once had sex with my immediate elder brother but I wasn’t just interested because that same brother of mine is a womanizer…. ?

    • Pink Panther
      March 17, 09:51 Reply

      Sex with a cousin who had sex with your brother… Eish! lol

  7. Jamie
    March 17, 08:51 Reply

    I once had a friend (let’s call him BI) whose brother would scroll through his 2go contacts and copy and befriend all his male friends… A friend of mine who was BI’s bae, had to reveal it to him. BI’s bro surely told me how he got to add me up, and begged me not to tell his bro…and I didn’t till today… BI is now late, and his bro is still quite a very promising friend…I LIKE him just as much as his brother. If I had a gay or bisexual brother, I’d teach you to be strong. If it was a girl, I’d help you be strong. I’d stand up for the both… If he or she was trans, I’d…………..try my best to always make you happy; to be your best friend!

  8. Terra
    March 17, 09:15 Reply

    Tbh I’m happy my brother isn’t gay. He’s the only brother I have. His wife is pregnant with their first kid now, although they got married a while back. I have been biting my nails all this time, because I was worried about them having a grandchild. Now she’s pregnant I can relax. And I’ll relax even further if it’s a boy

    • Max 2.1
      March 17, 09:25 Reply

      Would’ve read you your rights, but its a bright and beautiful morning… ??

  9. Wayfaring Stranger
    March 17, 09:17 Reply

    My younger brother is straight, but he’s accepting of gay people and he’s got one or two gay friends.

    But we never talk about that.

  10. JustJames
    March 17, 09:39 Reply

    I wish I ad a gay brother… I feel like things would be easier for me/us.. my parents would flip but I wouldn’t care.

  11. wife beater
    March 17, 10:28 Reply

    Growing up,my twin sister was butch while i was effete. She used to beat my ass up and she was quite handy with stuffs. People never stopped commenting that i was the gurl and she was the man. Still beats why she didnt turn out a lesbian or bi or anything,u knw,give this whole shii credence

    • Max 2.1
      March 17, 11:29 Reply

      You don’t know if she is, do you?

  12. Handle
    March 17, 11:09 Reply

    Having a gay sibling would had been nice. Really nice. Or just having one who knows you re. But could be awkward too, cos most gay siblings I know don’t really relate on that level. Even find it hard to let other people know their siblings are too.

  13. Khaleesi
    March 17, 11:15 Reply

    … My parents only have two kids … Two gay kids … They are gonna flip????????????????????????…LWKMD

  14. CriXXus
    March 17, 11:21 Reply

    That 4th whisper though…………

    An ignorant Nigerian, illiterate or an early man who time travelled into the 21st century?


  15. Khaleesi
    March 17, 11:22 Reply

    Biko biko … One gay in the family is enough … As long as my brother is straight and we have a good relationship whether or not he knows about my sexuality, then I’ll be at peace … I love my parents and wouldn’t want them to flip more than once … One flip-isode is enough …

    • Max 2.1
      March 17, 13:29 Reply

      Aswear @Chuk ???.. If I didn’t know Khaleesi personally, I’d say I smelt some IH in that comment.

  16. Bobby
    March 17, 11:23 Reply

    i just have one brother…and am thankful hes not gay. if he was, my mom wont survive it when we’ll both come out.

  17. Law
    March 17, 11:49 Reply

    Am the only gay guy in my nuclear family…. Although I have two gay cousins. One of them is out to the whole family….. It was easier for him coming out cus he is not in the country. The other is still very much closeted like me. He is in the US army. Am closer to the both of them than my siblings. Now my jnr bro is the person am confused about. I cnt really tell where he stands…. I think he is straight tho. I dnt really care.

    March 17, 12:44 Reply

    Awkward!!!! One is ok….sounding like its a choice??? well the will of God should prevail…dasul

  19. wife beater
    March 17, 14:38 Reply

    Max,she’s all femme nau,got a boyfriend,the whole package! But maybe she’s on the road to self-discovery cus there was a certain girl that asked her out,she just respectably declined,was too cool with it to pass as just ‘not homophobic’.

  20. Sage
    March 17, 21:03 Reply

    I know a family of five boys, four of them are gay. But i dont know if they know among themselves.

  21. Marc Francis of Chelsea
    March 17, 22:00 Reply

    My ex has the most homophobic parents in the world. Made his life hell. Little do they know that 3 out of 4 of their kids are gay. I’m friends with two gay brothers as well.

    Personally I thank God my brother is not gay because I have no plans for marriage or kids in the near future so he’s available to bear that stress.

  22. john
    March 18, 08:09 Reply

    Guys I got the real shock of my life yesterday when I got to know my kid bro is also gay. I am so unhappy. I saw many groups on his WhatsApp and his chats, I asked him and wanted to deny but I came out to him in process to let him know I know. I advised him to be careful but I feel like telling him to stop this morning because I discovered he just ‘open eyes’ because he is still using the phrase ‘he is a gay’. I don’t know what to do

    • posh6666
      March 18, 08:59 Reply

      Eya I really feel for you,at this point you really need to be calm and take things easy I can really imagine how you feel cos the gays can be wolves when they discover a newbie they will want to devour him anyhow and he too will be feeling ontop of the world with all the attention he will be getting especially if he is really young.

      Just know things are out of ur control and all you can do is give him guidance and advice from time to time,mind you if its too much he will begin to resent you gradually and see you as nothing but a nag who wants to dull his shine.Pray for strenght for you.

      • posh6666
        March 18, 09:15 Reply

        Thats why snooping is bad and sometimes ignorance is bliss

  23. Geeluv
    March 18, 09:13 Reply

    Just make him comfortable with you… he should let you know all his dealings with guys… that way, you’ll get to safe his ass some troubles.

  24. Jack
    November 02, 21:36 Reply

    I have a gay older brother but our ways dont cross because..1. He is into younger guys than him and he wont stop bringing them to the house and that makes me very uncomfortable because my mum wont survive it if she finds out who he is.
    2. He is too proud that always land him in trouble that have cost the whole family a huge sum
    3. He does not take advice from anybody!
    Even though we dont cross way, we can protect each other from other of our siblings not to find out who we are!
    He got married last year and i cant but pity the wife!
    We were all at the village last month for our last child traditional marriage and he left his wife for four days without telling her where he was going because he went to see his boyfriend

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