Well, It Seems Zachary Quinto Has Joined The Gay Bachelors Anonymous

Well, It Seems Zachary Quinto Has Joined The Gay Bachelors Anonymous

Actor Zachary Quinto arrives for the LosWhere’s Dennis, president of the Gay Bachelors Anonymous? Zachary Quinto would like validation of his membership card.

In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actor Zachary Quinto opened up about his feelings on love and marriage. And guess what? He’s not the marrying type.

“I personally am not a huge fanatic of marriage,” the 37-year-old rabble rouser said. “Commitment and relationships are a very individual thing, and I don’t stand to tell other people what to do or who to do it with, but for me, love is defined by two people in an intimate and personal way, and superimposing an institution on that isn’t necessarily, for me, the most exciting idea.”

But don’t think that means he’s not all for marriage equality. He is. He just doesn’t want to get gay married himself.

“It’s something I have been an advocate for and a fighter for in the past eight years,” Quinto said. “I want to see that continue. And maybe there will come a day when it makes perfect sense for me personally. We’ll see.”

He also said he’d like to have kids some day. (Uh-oh! Okay, I’m sorry, Dennis, should we kick him out now?)

“I definitely want kids, for sure,” the actor said. “I gravitate toward the people in my life who have kids. I love fostering relationships with them and watching them discover the world and being a part of that. I definitely want that.”

Previous SUITS AND TIES (Part 4)
Next Quick Question: Who Stole Lupita's Oscar Dress?

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  1. Gad
    February 28, 04:03 Reply

    Take a message to Dennis and Max but don’t tell them it’s from me

  2. Max
    February 28, 05:04 Reply

    Gad, what didido this morning biko?

  3. Pete
    February 28, 05:12 Reply

    *barges into DM’s room* wake up,somebody has a message for you

    • Vhar.
      February 28, 05:26 Reply

      You barged into DM’s room?
      On a Saturday morning?
      With an early morning boner???!
      Do you even know the situation you just put yourself in?

      DO YOU?
      I pirry you sir.
      I pirry you.

      • Eros
        February 28, 07:37 Reply

        Vhar if I didnt know better I’d say you were speaking from experience. Pete oya barge in all you like but dont let some people see you because if they do, brazilian hair will flow, claws will fly and soprano voices will sing.

      • Pete
        February 28, 08:25 Reply

        Em em. I only came to deliver a message. Nothing more

  4. KryxxX
    February 28, 05:15 Reply

    Who wan marry this one biko? Na die oh! Lol!
    After Heroes, I dont look @ this guy same again! I look @ him and I imagine everything unimaginable/horrible! Brother freaks me out!
    Those eyes, eyebrows nd that look!

    • Max
      February 28, 05:56 Reply

      You’re scared of his brows??
      Have you seen Pinky’s??

      • Dennis Macauley
        February 28, 06:03 Reply

        Pink Panther’s brow? Thats where shekau is hiding na! DSS doesnt know the right place to look

        • pinkpanthertb
          February 28, 06:07 Reply

          Hahahahahahahahahahaa!!! you pipu should gerrof my case.

      • KryxxX
        February 28, 06:18 Reply

        Dennis is crazy! Lol!

        Pinky’s brows? The same ones am staring directly @ right now on the bed? Those aren’t anything compared to Zach’s naa. Me that is even talking self, mine are far thicker nd heavier. Haven’t trimmed for a months now.

      • Dennis Macauley
        February 28, 06:40 Reply

        Obara jizox! Kryxx is in PP bed?

        ****sets tea table, dials Max, Chestnut, Khaleesi and Absie****

      • Max
        February 28, 07:17 Reply

        Sugar anyone?? I hate tasteless tea…

      • KryxxX
        February 28, 08:00 Reply

        *scoff* And someppl expect to get six packs with all d whole sugar they r taking ehkwa? Coupled with d amebo, a trek from Central Area to Abaji is wat you need to burn them calories!

      • Max
        February 28, 09:47 Reply

        @Kryxx, if youve seen me, you’ll know I don’t need to burn no calories.

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 28, 05:22 Reply

      Would you like some of Lupita’s pearls sewn into the LASTma jacket?

      • Vhar.
        February 28, 05:31 Reply

        I knew Pinki had something to do with ’em pearls.
        I was wondering why you weren’t on the list.

        • pinkpanthertb
          February 28, 05:39 Reply

          Hahahahahahahahaa!!! Vhar, keep shut before KD will start wondering who stole you next.

      • KryxxX
        February 28, 05:51 Reply

        Pinky!!! Add International heist boss to your accolades! And those pearls would definitely go with your complexion. Hehehe!

      • Eros
        February 28, 07:46 Reply

        Bia pinky, did you or did you not steal Lulu’s dress after the Oscar, used it to take selfies and returned it after putting a little afro juju on it? You can tell me you know, you secret is safe with me

        *Later while having brunch with Vhar, Kyrxx and Chestie*
        Gurls, I have called you hear to point accusing fingers at PP. Do you know he stole Lulu dress? *gasps* The Horror!!

  5. Dennis Macauley
    February 28, 05:45 Reply

    ***Drinks coffee to clear hangover from last night***

    As the life chair of gay bachelors anonymous I hereby admit you Zachary and offer you a memberahip card encrusted with pearls from a certain missing dress.

    However before we validate your membership, we have a ritual where new members dance around in jockstraps. Call the club secretary to book a date for you.


    Oh and erm I take it you wont be joining our spin off organaisation; the NO KIDS ANONYMOUS? Okay then

    • chestnut
      February 28, 06:38 Reply

      All of u that are sharing Lupita’s pearls…on judgement day,u will all answer…continoo.

    • JArch
      February 28, 07:50 Reply

      I guess I’ll be inviting Zach instead of DM for my BBQ and play dates instead of DM *sighs*

  6. JArch
    February 28, 07:48 Reply

    I swear all of you hear on KD are just insane. I love Zachary especially after his acting in heros. He was also on 24, he wasn’t as impressive like in Heroes

    I would have shared a few words about pinky’s brows but I’d rather not before I go missing like some pearly dressed only to be returned in a trash bag

    Bia Dennis how can you have a tea party and not call me eh. I’ll handle your matter another time

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 28, 16:31 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaa. Trash bag? I’m hurt. I don’t return my victims in such undignified items.

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 28, 17:02 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaa. Jarch, trash bag? I’m hurt. I don’t return my victims in such undignified items.

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