25 Problems That All Beyoncé Fans (AKA The Beyhive) Can Relate To

25 Problems That All Beyoncé Fans (AKA The Beyhive) Can Relate To

Originally published on Capital Xtra


If you thought it was difficult being Queen Bey, try being one of her worshippers.

Life as a member of the Beyhive must be really hard, and here are some of the problems that anyone who calls the superstar Queen can identify with.

Problem 1: When the person you’re crushing on has literally no clue.


Problem 2: Having your head infiltrated with a message that doesn’t even apply to you.


Problem 3: When autocorrect knows you too well.


Problem 4: Feeling like it’s your civic duty to spread the Lemonade love for those less fortunate.


Problem 5: Never being able to sleep, EVER, just in case Beyoncé pulls a stunt like that again.


Problem 6: The overwhelming need to hug Beyoncé.


Problem 7: Sudden Beyoncé-like outbursts, pronouncing words in a way that was never intended.


Problem 8: People keep getting in the way of your relationship with Beyoncé.


Problem 9: Nearly having a heart attack every time you see Bey’s uploaded something new on Instagram.


Problem 10: Having to admit to yourself that you’re jealous of a child.


Problem 11: Weighing up decisions like Beyoncé’s towel vs. avoiding jail time.


Problem 12: The rest of the world not living their lives to best support your Beyoncé obsession.


Problem 13: Even if Beyoncé did sell moments likes this, you wouldn’t be able to afford it.


Problem 14: If it ain’t Beyoncé related, you ain’t interested. And that backfires sometimes.


Problem 15: Thinking things in Beyoncé’s voice, as if you’re her or something.


Problem 16: Random outbursts of tears when you see Bey sing, dance, live, breathe… Whatever.


Problem 17: Fan girl fantasies that you’ll attend a Beyoncé concert and she’ll invite you to do a duet.


Problem 18: Constantly getting your Beyoncé hopes up, only to be knocked down again.


Problem 19: Other people who aren’t Beyoncé exist in the world – and that’s not right.


Problem 20: You’ve either got unrealistic expectations of love, or have given up on it altogether.


Problem 21: Believing with all your heart that you actually are Beyoncé.


Problem 22: If you ever did get the chance to meet Beyoncé, you’d be so overwhelmed you’d pass out.


Problem 23: You keeping losing friends because you are always putting Beyoncé first.


Problem 24: It’s so difficult being as incredible as Beyoncé (but at least you relate to each other).


Problem 25: You’re jealous of anyone that has more in common with Beyoncé than you do, however small.

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  1. Seethe
    February 17, 07:10 Reply

    Seek help. She eats, sleeps, farts and shits just like everyone else. Get a grip. Lol.

  2. Gif
    February 17, 09:15 Reply

    Ok anybody that STANS Beyonce this much should seek help!
    It’s really not healthy!!!

  3. trystham
    February 17, 10:10 Reply

    You ppl are exhausting. I mean, I got tired reading this na.

    • Cedar
      February 17, 10:45 Reply

      Trystham!, last warning!!?

    • Lorde
      February 19, 18:36 Reply

      This was pretty hard to read

  4. S@mm!è
    February 17, 13:11 Reply

    We Beyoncé’s fans are uniquely crazy! my bf didn’t like Beyonce when we started dating but now he does (all I did was make him watch Homecoming)

    • Malik
      February 19, 08:39 Reply

      Same thing happened to me. Still don’t know most of her songs but I stan her work ethic and energy.

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