Why Hillary Clinton Should Be President Of The United States

Why Hillary Clinton Should Be President Of The United States

Hillary Clinton winning this election has pretty much had an air of inevitability to it since day 1 of the primaries, which is why Clinton supporters (and really anyone who isn’t quite ready for the apocalypse) were so unsettled by polling that showed she was neck-and-neck with Republican nominee Donald Trump last month. That fear subsided substantially when audio of Trump boasting about groping women without consent surfaced recently, and these Clinton quotes from the third debate are pretty much the additional nails in that coffin. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Team Clinton were already planning its 2020 campaign for re-election after Wednesday night.

Throughout the night, the dynamic arch-enemies squared off on the Supreme Court, immigration, and who’s fit to be president. Predictably enough, Trump tried his best to drive home the whole “Crooked Hillary” narrative, but Clinton countered his critiques levelheadedly, maturely, and effectively in a few short lines.

Sure, she had the advantage of having a lot more (and weightier) material to work with (the man has, like, half a dozen standing sexual assault accusations against him and audio of him seemingly boasting about it), but she still managed to call his character even further into question. Here are the highlights:

On what kind of country Americans want…

On going backwards…

On the rights of the LGBT community…

And on women’s rights…

On the role of the Supreme Court…

On gun control…

On gun regulation…

On abortion…

On choice…

On deportation…

On immigration reform…

On wikileaks…

On Putin…

On Trump having access to nuclear weapons…

On creating new opportunities for the middle class…

On the gender wage gap…

On Trump causing another recession…

On saving jobs…

On giving jobs to Mexico…

On the experience of both candidates…

On the allegations that Donald Trump sexually assaulted several women…

On comparing foundations…

On Trump’s Trump statue…

Clinton brought the sass with this final debate, and we’re feeling it.

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  1. esv.jay
    October 21, 05:51 Reply

    both candidates are disasters! Hilary and her fake smile, Nasty woman! deep down you can tell she is a pretender. Trump on the other hand…. just being trump! Cruz and Sanders would have been better candidates!

    • Chuck
      October 21, 10:16 Reply

      Sad to see you’re a victim of misogynist misinformation. You think Ted Cruz, the gold standard guy, the carpet bomber, would be a better president? And Sanders was exposed by The NY Daily news. There’s nothing behind his rhetoric.

    • Brian Collins
      October 21, 11:03 Reply

      Clap for yasef Jay. We have seen the disaster that you are. This is about Trump and Clinton. You and Bernie Sanders can take several seats till 2021.

  2. eli
    October 21, 07:07 Reply

    I wholeheartedly agree with you esv.jay. Bernie was the better choice.

  3. Henrie
    October 21, 07:48 Reply

    Trump is the only disaster here. If a Bernie supporter can’t see how much of Bernie’s ideas Hilary has incorporated into her campaign since after the primaries, then they clearly haven’t been following. Hilary’s deep appreciation of the issues alone is awesome. Cruz is only but the grimmer intellectual version of Trump. And Bernie is voting Hilary come November..

  4. Wiffey
    October 21, 08:44 Reply

    “On day I was in the Situation Room helping to bring Osama to justice you were hosting the Celebrity Apprentice.” Clinton on Trump… OMG thats what I call (HDS: High Definition Shade)

  5. Pankar
    October 22, 08:59 Reply

    Yes, thats correct, Hillary seems fake and well recited and she’s very desperate, don’t know if that’s a good thing here. After the last debate, polls said she Is less honest than Donald Trump

    • Pink Panther
      October 22, 09:17 Reply

      I suppose that makes Trump a better candidate for president, huh?

  6. Pankar
    October 23, 03:58 Reply

    Its a dire situation I guess.

  7. Introvertgay
    October 24, 19:46 Reply

    For me right now its Hillary all the way, I admit that Sanders would have been a better choice unfortunately he lost at the primaries. But between Hillary and Trump I don’t need anyway to tell me Hillary should be the one sitting in the oval office if only I was an American I would have gladly played my own part to see her elected as President.

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