In the time I’ve lived here in India, I’ve come to realize that this country is filled with the horniest people in the world. These people are so horny, they’ll fuck anything that moves. This is not always a sexy thing to note, because it means that sex crimes are on a serious high here. On the other hand, it means that nearly 90% of Indian men have bisexual tendencies. I’ve been invited for threesomes a number of times by heterosexual couples. And this means that even though being gay isn’t legal here, it isn’t under any homophobic scrutiny. Heck, even the transgender have gotten legal recognition here. Straight guys who are friends move about on the streets, holding each other’s waists and hands, and no one bats an eyelid. People don’t care much. Ever since I moved here, I’d gradually shed the reticence about my sexuality that comes from growing up gay in Nigeria and started being open about my attraction for guys to my friends and colleagues. And no one seems to mind. Instead, I get greeted with hugs and pecks, with some males referring to me with endearments.
Some days ago, I had a unique sort-of sexual encounter. It happened in a train.
So I went to New Delhi to run some errands and pick up some stuff. On my way back, I was at the train station entrance and I had to be searched by security. It was supposed to be a quick frisk, but the uniformed officer, a good looking man with a nice smile, practically turned it into a groping session. As he felt me up, his hand grazed my crotch, and at this point, his smile turned into a leer.
Our episode soon ended and I moved on to get on the train. It was crowded and I couldn’t find an empty seat. So I stood. At the first stop, some guys got off and I took a seat that placed me in between two guys, one older and the other much closer to my age.
It was going to be a long ride, so I began fishing out my earpiece and phone. As I got read to keep myself occupied, my eyes fell on some other guy seated a few yards away from me, facing me. He was super hot, wearing a buzz cut and designer stubble, with green eyes. I swear, you see the hottest Indian guys in trains. I have drooled hundreds of times over very hot Indians while riding the damned metro rail.
Anyway, I had my phone ready. I plugged my ears and began listening to Torn by Cassadee Pope, while reading a gay-themed novel on my phone with the same title. After a few minutes, I felt the guy on my right, the one closer to my age, move the teensiest bit closer to me. But I paid him no mind (It would later occur to me that perhaps he’d moved closer so he could see what I was reading, because something, some knowledge, had to have given him the presence of mind to do what he did next).
Several minutes passed, and then he brought his thigh next to mine and jerked it. Without taking my eyes off my phone, I moved my leg away from his, thinking he needed more leg space. After about five minutes, he did it again, jerking his thigh against mine; this time however, he had his phone screen placed in my line of sight. On the screen was written the words: ‘Will you fuck me?’
I was briefly startled, then amused, and turned to give him a fleeting look. He was slightly chubby, clean shaven with a baby face. He gave me a small smile, and I chuckled before turning to my phone to type a response: ‘Sure, if you think you can handle it.’
I turned the screen to him. He read and typed on his own phone: ‘I bet I can. But if I can’t, will you stop if I ask?’
I typed: ‘Maybe.’
He typed: ‘How big are you?’
To which I replied: ‘9 inches and thicker than 3 of your fingers put together.’
His fingers were shaking slightly as he typed: ‘Wow! Where do you live and do you have privacy?’
I replied: ‘Sector 37. I live with my colleagues. No privacy.’
He asked for my contact, which I typed out for him. He promised to call.
At this point, we’d reached his stop and he got off.
It struck me then that we had had a whole conversation without speaking to or actually looking at each other – and all this inside a crowded train. I found the experience quite hilarious, and was still chuckling to myself as I got down at my stop.
Written by Griffin
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October 21, 05:56indians sexy? ewww!!!
October 21, 06:27Una no dey ever disappoint at all. I get your type for mind as I read this piece. Mscheeew.
October 21, 06:41That’s so small minded of you mate. Yeah, men of different races can be sexy. I’m pretty sure your definition of sexy is set out by white supremacists which makes me sad for you seeing that you’d never be considered sexy to them.
October 21, 07:31Yes, Indians are hella sexy….All of you narrow minded racist, would be stuck in Nigeria stereotyping as usual. How many Indians do you know?
It’s so annoying when Pimples will be feeling like Cancer.
October 21, 07:38there are a lot of gay Indians in Nigeria here. I know them well, their hygiene is just a no,no,no for me. this is not racism or stereotype, it’s experience.
October 21, 07:56I think it must be all that hair on their bodies and the spices they cannot just do without. No thank you.
October 21, 07:41???? @ when Pimples will be feeling like Cancer.
October 21, 19:02My dear oooo, people that have never left Naija, know from experience with one or two indians daddies they met in Naija, that all Indians have poor hygiene.
October 21, 07:37At least ppl like us that watch Bollywood movies JUST FOR THE MEN know that they are sexy!!!!!! ???????.
And the way you make it sound, one wonder if you are a hybrid of of hotness.
October 21, 07:43boo, have you seen me? **flips weave**
October 21, 06:34Fear no go gree me follow up on this kain hookup before dem run train on person. Too many disgusting rape gists with Indians at the center don poison my mind.
I do have to admit that each time I decide to watch small ZeeWorld with mumsy dem, na just to ogle the men. ????
October 21, 07:33Which time fear gree you kwanu? ? ? ? ?
Pinky, I think there is a story here oh.. .. …. . If fear go gree am write am nau??????.
October 21, 07:40Wee you keep kwayet?
October 21, 07:50**keeps kwayet, pulls out my “perfect stranger” by Danielle Steele while seated at Kubwa train station waiting for my hot Indian or hot anything in trousers**.
Hope market sells today shaa. It haff tey. Perfect stranger pls come thru biko.
October 21, 07:56May you not wait tire ???
October 22, 19:36Lol KryXxx???
October 21, 07:02being attractive and having a big dick gets you very far in this gay world.
October 21, 07:25Immediately I saw India I guessed who it was…
Indian men will fuck anything that moves? Very interesting
*vigorously takes notes**
October 21, 07:40My dear, the people are kinky as fuck, I once visited a historical monument with statues of people doing it in all kinds of positions as listed in the karma sutra, fear no gree me take selfie.
Not to talk of the videos of me getting blown on a friend’s phone. The people are shameless.
October 21, 07:35Chai!!!!, PP, that picture sef no help their case, you know the metro rail is sealed and fully air-conditioned with granite flooring right.
October 21, 07:36Indians? tueh! most of them make me wanna puke. I’m no bigot or anything, i just have a major problem with their hygiene! Yama Yama
October 21, 07:39My oga is neat and fine as fuck!
October 21, 07:44Hian!
All this sweeping generalization going upandan bikonu!
All hausas men are boko haram and aboki.
All Igbos like money and are ritualist.
All yorubas are dirty and cowardly.
Any body from Calabar can cook and are good in bed.
All Niger deltans are militant.
All Edo gals are prostitutes.
All Lagosians are agberos! Etc!
Indian smells and not good looking! Smh!
Who e epp?? ??????
It is there type that will raise armpit and the odour that wee come out will just knock out elephant fiam!
Ndi hygenus!
Mizta cent
October 21, 07:53KryxxX biko stop making me laugh this early morning ????
October 21, 07:57Lool, funny story… Sector 37? Why is India looking like sth from a hunger games trilogy
October 21, 08:13Maybe it’s cause you’re black and everyone is fascinated with black dick and wants to get fucked by a black guy atleast once before they die
Pink Panther
October 21, 08:19??? Chizzie, keeping it real the only way he knows how since 1977.
October 21, 08:53That’s so sweet… But there’s no way I’m letting anything light skin lay a finger on me, call me racist but I say we all have our preferences.
October 21, 09:00If you’re comfortable with a white guy saying the exact same thing in reverse that’s fine ?
Pink Panther
October 21, 09:31?? Good point, Francis.
October 21, 09:26interesting … I watch alot Bollywood movies and no guy strikes me as ‘hot’….but the ladies tho <3….#fire.
Pink Panther
October 21, 09:30That’s kinda sorta true. Females from Bollywood are so much prettier than the men.
October 21, 12:10Now THIS is gospel. Their saris and flat-tummied sexiness and the forehead dots….LAWD!!!
October 21, 09:46The rage that courses through me everytime I get asked that ” How big are you” question.
Interesting answer you gave there.
October 21, 09:54@Peak in a situation where it’s all about sex, it is a very valid question.
My response to that, is “How bubble is your arse?”?
Regal Sweetheart
October 21, 13:20Stealing this response!
October 21, 09:56??
lmao. so much racist crap here as expected. people with small minds are always the most eager to showcase their denseness… and stop going on about your “preference”. human beings don’t exists to cater to your pathetic sexual proclivities
Brian Collins
October 21, 11:07If me I see an Indian I find attractive, I will fuck. If I see a Nigerian or anyone that is unattractive to me, I will run.
Y’all should stop labelling people abeg.
October 21, 14:26You think Indians are horny? Wait till you get here. Lol. These ones are practically dogs. And they always see a black guy as having three legs.
October 21, 16:30Well, I kinda agree with the OP. Some Indians are kinda sexy, especially the fair ones. The black ones are a No No. When I visited New Delhi last year, I saw some very hot guys. They did not even allow my Grindr to rest. I couldn’t do anything because i was staying in ***** and was there on Official assignment.
I also think Nigerians are so stereotypical. How many Indians have you personally had encounters with for you to know that they are dirty and smelly? Na wa ooo…
I wish I read something like this last year, I would have had fun sha.
I believe that no matter the race or tribe, there is no way you won’t see someone hot.
Pink Panther
October 21, 17:27This! ???
October 21, 19:25Most Indian guys happen to be late bloomers when it comes to sex, and most of them are pressured into marriage by their parents. So the guys try to make up for lost time as well as try to get it outta their system before the day comes. Not that they succeed anyway.
October 21, 19:35‘get it outta their system’?!?!….ekozikwana?
October 22, 06:35um…why is nobody talking about his size? ‘9 inches and
thicker than 3 of your fingers
put together.’
Pink Panther
October 22, 06:37The first sign of thirst. 😀