HEALTH CENTRE: Gay Sex Myths And Truths
Good morning everyone,
Today I shall be taking a small break from the HIV/AIDS narrative to shine some light on gay sex. There are myths and truths surrounding it which I’ve come to decipher as I grow while still learning about others.
The video below basically covers most of the frequent questions/doubts we have in relation to gay sex delivered by a doctor with experience in managing MSM clients.
How frequently should you douche? Is anal sex synonymous with future anal incontinence? Can anal sex give you hemorrhoids (piles)? Are there consequences to having multiple sexual partners? Is there such a thing as too big a penis? Can you get STDs from blowjobs?
Well, check out the 8 minute video for answers to these and a few others.
PS: For those of you who have issues streaming videos on your devices or who would like to have a copy for easy sharing with friends or for future offline viewing, do please CLICK HERE to download the video straight to your device. It’s a 23MB download.
Enjoy and do spread the word to educate a brother 😉
Written by Francis
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March 09, 08:23Q: Can a dick actually be too big?
A: I’d say that’s in the eyes of a beholder.
LOL! Good one, doc.
Max 2.1
March 09, 08:56I need an earphone for this
March 09, 09:02Why do I feel like this was put up as a follow-up to that South African gay singer who died from anal cancer 3 days ago? Hmm *touching my
March 09, 09:56You gat that right. I had to wonder about that myself. I was already in full panic mode as I read d story yesterday
But what is it with all these medical ppl sef? One says; Don’t douche too often. You will be removing all the helpful bacteria in ur colon. This one is saying something else. Biko, what is to be done, if I am like dt sex freak Andre? 3 times a day, EVERYDAY??? O tan
Pink Panther
March 09, 10:19Over to you, Doc Francis
March 09, 13:55About that SA gay singer ehn, it was really a pathetic story. Firstly HIV and then anal cancer, like say na im carry illness for head. That was like the perfect story to feed the hungry lions of this country. The vitriolic, unintelligible comments they were pouring out made me cringe, I mean, even to the dead? Christianity anyone?
I think it’s about the method you use while douching. When one douches with enema, I guess that’s where there’s a limit as enema contains chemicals that not only removes useful bacteria but could affect the anal lining when used frequently. But if using warm water, I don’t really think there’s a limit. You could douche as much as u please with that.
March 09, 14:24Thanks for answering Ambivalentone’s question. For every day douching stick with plain water without all those chemicals. That’s what the doctor was trying to say ?
P.S: This post was already in the works before that unfortunate news hit the web. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the story well less I stumble on some disturbing comments ?
March 09, 14:49Isn’t it funny how Nigerians are first to bring in religion and traditional ethics in tevery argument, but just when u expect they’d resort to that, you get disappointed? I thought our African tradition doesn’t support insulting the dead, what happened with that guy? I hate this country!
March 09, 14:52My dear those rules don’t apply to the gays. Infact most rules don’t
March 09, 10:42I downloaded, watched & approve. What does our (Nigerian) laws say about gays people donating blood? Or do they pretend we don’t exist?
March 09, 14:25Lol. Gays aren’t recognised talkless of donating blood
March 09, 14:44I don’t get this. U mean, as a gay man you aren’t allowed 2 donate blood?
March 09, 14:51Watch the video & listen to the doctor talking about ammended law concerning blood donation by gays in the US
Marc Francis of Chelsea
March 09, 15:12You’re not partly because the belief is that gay men are more likely to have HIV. Since the virus takes 3 months to manifest, they don’t want to take the chance even though straight people run the very same risk.
March 09, 13:55Pete…. do we???
March 09, 14:52I think so. Hence the same-sex prohibition law.
Marc Francis of Chelsea
March 09, 15:10Please talk about the news making the rounds about the SA singer/gay activist that just died from anal cancer. It made me sick to my stomach that the brainless bunch on Linda Ikeji were chanting good for him like anal cancer and HIV are intertwined with homosexuality.
March 10, 01:15Maybe I will in a future post…..when the dread I feel has passed.
Dickson Clement
March 09, 23:32Do not ever tell your doctor you are gay, mark my word! Unless you are sure that doctor is gay too. Whatever you say in a consultation is written down in a case note! Having anal sex is a point to support a lot of diagnosis but even without that point most of those diagnosis can still be made! So it’s better he comes to a conclusion in his mind that you are having anal sex (which from recent education,heterosexual men practice) , than giving him the loaded gun! Our patient/ client confidentiality can be breached
March 10, 01:14Saw a patient sometime last 2 weeks who was complaining about sex wahala with madam amongst other problems like having depression, losing his job and what have you. The man just kept rambling on and on and suddenly said something like “at this point maybe I should just start sleeping with men since madam doesn’t want to do anal again”
Oh boy, confusion catch me and I just scribbled down erectile dysfunction and referred the patient to the psychiatrist. How does one start writing about “addiction” to anal sex on a file/card that every man has access to? *sighs*
March 10, 15:18Hahahhahaha…. @ addiction to Anal sex..nice one Bro… keep up dear..
Also Francis, Anal Cancer is more common in men who indulge in receptive anal sex than in males who dosent…. terrifying but u know already… linked to same HPV , subtype identical to cervical CA
March 10, 19:02My dear HPV no even come my mind sef. All I could think of was Kaposi’s sarcoma and the clash between repeated anal STDs and frequent change of epithelial lining down there due to repeated trauma….(something I read years ago. Don’t remember where sef)
Abeg do and right on this HPV na. You can’t be that busy man. ?
P.S: I never see ya number oh
March 11, 08:14Hello dear, certainly, we will write on HPV but the problem is not time, I’m just a poor writer. I sent an sms to Pinky the very day you requested for my number asking him to give it to you.
I thought he had done it.
If you can’t reach Pinky, there are other gentlemen here who has my contact. Just ask around.
March 11, 08:18The SMS probably landed when his phone was being a bitch. Two of my SMS to am miss road during that period too. ??
Forget that poor writer thing. That’s why PP is good at editing. Lol. Or I could edit it for you and send back for your final approval ??