Being queer is complicated. Being queer in Nigeria is uniquely complicated – and difficult. Every day, members of the LGBTQ community in Nigeria find themselves navigating a myriad number of challenges and obstacles which exist to hinder them in several aspects of their lives: self expression, finding love, accessing healthcare – the list goes on.

In the 2019 edition of its Human Rights Violations Report, The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS) reported a total of 397 people violated across 20 states on account of their “real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity”. This is a striking jump upwards from the 286 reported in 2018, continuing an upward trend in the number of cases witnessed since the passing into law of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act (SSMPA) in 2014. It is also important to note that these numbers, which account for reported cases only, pale into insignificance when compared with the unreported cases: the kito cases, the incidents of blackmail, which have become part and parcel of the lives of members of the LGBTQ community in Nigeria.

In light of the aforementioned, and faced with the reality of a government (on all levels) which is unable or unwilling to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, a small team has come together to “take the bull by the horns” and work towards the creation of A Safe Space™ for all who need one. In order to ensure that their efforts are steered towards the actual needs and realities of sexual minorities, they will require your help in filling a short survey which will provide relevant data.

All information shared will be anonymous and strictly confidential. You can access the survey by clicking HERE.

Do kindly take the time and supply the required information as it will help this team with their effort to create the safe space that is intended to serve the community. Thank you.

Previous “Can We Stop Saying Allies Are A Part Of The LGBT Community.” Criticism Follow After Someone On Twitter Tried To Rearrange The LGBT+ Acronym
Next Should I Mind My Business? (The Pressure Of An Older Gay’s Responsibility)

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  1. Ken
    August 08, 10:15 Reply

    It’s a nice one. Done!

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