About Korede Bello’s GodWin Music Video…

About Korede Bello’s GodWin Music Video…

So, after someone mentioned here about the release of Korede Bello’s GodWin video and the ridiculousness about how his dance was a gay dance, I went to watch the video and research on all that nonsense about his dance. The video was cute. Frankly though, I expected a lot more dance. And the Korede dance though… Lol. Here’s the video, in case you haven’t already seen it.

Anyway, upon my research, I saw some opinions and comments that amused me, which I had to share.

Like this post by Sisi Yemmie:

‘I’ve been waiting on this video since I heard the song …am I disappointed?

‘The video quality was great and was produced by Adasa Cookey for Squareball Media. The video was introduced by my guy Bovi – his face is too funny and I’m glad he reminded us why Godwin. AY, Dr SID and Yaw also make cameos.

‘Don Jazzy and Korede dancing together look like daddy and pikin dancing. LOL. It’s cute in my opinion. Ehen, there was one labalaba dance that Korede was doing which I’m assuming is the Godwin Dance…it made me laugh because my baby Tito always curves like that as if he’s still in the womb, so I loved it! Let me practice…

‘I was expecting to see more drama or action but most of what we were shown was Korede’s fine face and his curly hair….we need more action!’

And then the comments, screengrabs from different blogs:kore1kore2kore3kore4kore5kore6Nigerians though… *smh* Anyway, in all things, na Godwin. 😀


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  1. KingBey
    June 06, 05:00 Reply

    It’s a nice music video by a sweet looking and successful guy. whatever you do, people will still run their mouths….so Godwin.

    • posh6666
      June 06, 07:45 Reply

      Honestly i dont knw if its true nor do i care buh d gay rumour dat is swirling around his younger broda dprince done pass be careful and rumour also has it dat donjazzy is well aware of his kid brodas love for d “banana” well allegedly

  2. pete
    June 06, 05:44 Reply

    Nigerians & inability to form an independent opinion. Everybody latching on the gay theme. Ask them to define ‘gay dance’ & they’ll mope at you.

  3. Masked Man
    June 06, 06:22 Reply

    Biko what is a gay dance na?

    And how do gay people dance?

    I want to know.

    So that when u go to bars and clubs, I can start looking for potential hook-ups.

    Crazy fellows!!!

    • Ace
      June 06, 08:27 Reply

      Hahahaha… You know what? I’ll just be coming here to highlight my favorite comments. I need the gay dance tutorial too, make I follow dey buzz all the gay guys within my radar.

      • Masked Man
        June 06, 09:01 Reply

        It is important for me oh.
        So that when I see guys dancing in groups, I can identify which one is my church member.

  4. Diablo
    June 06, 06:34 Reply

    The comment abt him dancing like hot water was poured on him is spot on, lol . But I don’t see how he and Donjazzy dancing together is suggestive in any way, its more a display of buffoonery than it is of homosexuality. It was like a father dancing with his 12 year old son. Nigerians need to chill on attributing the slightest of things to homosexuality abeg. I only just got to know who Korede Bello was recently, because the bf’ constantly plays this song.

  5. Francis
    June 06, 06:37 Reply

    Gay dance = effeminate dance

    I was uncomfortable watching it cause all I could see was awon Lindaikeji warriors of chineke coming after the gays again. Those comments can be so brutal sometimes that if your mind no strong, Na bar beach bottom get you 🙁

    • Lothario
      June 06, 08:24 Reply

      Lmao…. This comment is the funniest thing

  6. Eldorado
    June 06, 07:00 Reply

    It was a nice production, but then, the dude gats to sell his market via the dance steps..lol. Secondly, the video was very short and does not comissurate with the hype the video was given. My verdict…the video is just there.

  7. Tobby
    June 06, 07:03 Reply

    Only a Thief know who is a Thief. Dat said I need learn my Godwin dance.

  8. Dennis Macaulay
    June 06, 07:06 Reply

    That arch gave me life! I nearly came in my pants watching this video! The things id do to this boy

    **smacks lips**

  9. Ruby
    June 06, 07:24 Reply

    All them haters sef *smh*
    If e easy like that, why una N̶̲̥̅̊☺ enta studio record una own song n shoot una video make we see. #Godwin

  10. Dennis Macaulay
    June 06, 07:46 Reply

    You know when you are sticking it in and the boy archs his back while you slide into warm wetness!

    Korede has finished me!

    Dammm boy

    • Ace
      June 06, 08:36 Reply

      Someone hook this boy with korede bello pls! This fixation is going out of hand maka that Erotic asphyxiation. All you KD boys in entertainment hook DM up please.

  11. Max
    June 06, 07:47 Reply

    “its more a display of buffoonery than it is of homosexuality”
    “I only just got to know who Korede Bello was recently, because the bf’ constantly plays this song”

    Need I say more @Pinky?

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 06, 08:08 Reply

      It’s his opinion. He’s allowed to have it nah. Lol. Chai. Him no find your trouble. Abi are u the director of the music video or Korede’s manager? 😛

  12. posh6666
    June 06, 07:53 Reply

    Aww well i guess all publicity is good publicity,its got people talking,his trending,and his market is selling.I still wann a fuck him dou.Just here thinking if i was to be caught up in an elevator wiv Korede and wizkid and light goes off who will i makeout it 1st?this two their cuteness,innocent looks and portable size just want to make me wrap my arms around dem and cuddle all night……in this kind of case na him i dey wish say Dangote or Atiku be my papa den i can afford to pay off dis my celebrity crushes after a hot dirty nasty night.Teflondon abi na Tefmushin borrow me some money na seems u are d richest in dis house *side eyes*

      • posh6666
        June 06, 08:15 Reply

        No tea no shade dorlin!Teflondon is the self proclaimed richest bitch in d house everybody knows this.Tefyaba abi i lie?

        • pinkpanthertb
          June 06, 08:19 Reply

          Cut it out, posh. If he’s not looking for your trouble, don’t look for his.

  13. IVANKO
    June 06, 08:16 Reply

    Then say my market no go sell, Godwin… Nice vid

  14. Lothario
    June 06, 08:20 Reply

    I have been wanting to table this matter here. I had to drag DM to YouTube last night to get his Korede fix. What is that dance? Gay or not, I have to say that twink lovers are going to have a ball especially where that arched back is concerned.

    And Korede is fucking beautiful *in Trey Songz’s voice * you just have to acknowledge it, twink lover or not.

  15. Lothario
    June 06, 08:22 Reply

    Lol…. I can’t even imagine that happening. Korede looks like someone that will divide into two the minute Don Jazzy puts prick inside him.

    • Ace
      June 06, 08:29 Reply

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahhaha! These KD boys! Lothario!

    • Masked Man
      June 06, 09:05 Reply

      Lothario!!! Lol

      What do power bottoms look like sef?

  16. Ace
    June 06, 08:41 Reply

    I watched the video with a brow arched. Ok… Someone isn’t doing much to kill the gay rumours instead he is giving twink lovers one more thing to wank to at night. And y’all are just crazy! Now I can’t stop imagining Don Jazzy on top this guy making him return the favor of making him a star.

  17. chestnut
    June 06, 09:09 Reply

    Incindentally, I finally downloaded d video this morning…reluctantly (I just needed to see what all d hype was about…*eye-roll*)
    Well, I’ll give credit to the make-up artist sha; whoever it is,really tried to make Korede look…presentable *exagerrated eye-roll* don jazzy’s presence was d high point of the video.
    What was that dance tho?lol. He was dancing like a scalded house-elf! (For some reason,his moves kept giving me “Onyx Godwin’ tease,lol).And I’m so mad that he had Don jazzy doing that foolishness too,lol.
    (Hey Dennis, how u doin’! *evil grin*)

    • trystham
      June 06, 10:30 Reply

      lol @ scalded house elf. The wat he arched his back reminded me of those ‘abara’ that leaves u speechless and gaping like a fish my aunt used to give us while we were growing up.

  18. Masked Man
    June 06, 09:16 Reply

    All these rumours about record label bosses and their artist sef.
    I tire.
    We heard about Banky and Wizkid.
    Ubi Franklin and Emma Nyra.
    Now it’s Don Jazzy and Korede.
    Very soon it will be Buhari and Osibanjo.

    • posh6666
      June 06, 09:38 Reply

      Lol wat of ubi franklin&iyanya.*runs off*

      • Masked Man
        June 06, 09:53 Reply

        Leave iyanya oh, you know he’s DM’s personal akpan.

        The Ubi/EmmaNyra allegations no be here. A lot of things that are not nice were said.

        • posh6666
          June 06, 11:36 Reply

          Lmaooooo dis blog is filled with pure evil people.Haba!!!

  19. Chris
    June 06, 09:24 Reply

    Hmm… the dance. Peculiar. the dance fuelling rumours.
    Naija commentators are so riled up. So many negative
    comments about The Dance on Nairaland and SDK.

    I saw the video on thursday and i could see the avalanche
    of snide remarks that would follow the video, the dance.

  20. JamesJemima
    June 06, 09:56 Reply

    So Korede Bello is fine like this… *sips water for my thirst*

    The dance looked like something I’d do after I get alert when I’m broke cause I’m a terrible dancer and gay too. It’s cute in my opinion. The video is just cute. I just want to pick KB and put him in my handbag like those cute toy dogs.

  21. trystham
    June 06, 10:35 Reply

    Nothing spectacular about the video. Just another artiste who wants a signature dance step. I really prefferred the “fan video” tho. Didn’t realise KB is dis fine…and working out. Someone is luving to please DM. From twink to Akpan

  22. Teflondon
    June 06, 10:47 Reply

    I remember then 2010 or so.. I met Korede Bello through one swagga prince (young entertainment mogul of the year then, headies award) we Became an item. He was looking for someone to invest in him way back.
    Rememebered those long night calls and all. The ‘supposed’ love was real but short lived. Never envisage he would be this big. We still in contacts but not as often.
    I hope that confirms whatever rumors yall have been hearing.

    Nice video and lovely but a bit childish dance steps. Don jazzy really doesn’t want to grow old. Lol

    • posh6666
      June 06, 11:39 Reply

      Even if it was true *yimu* you just had to confirm it.*deep sigh* really wonder how old u are

    • Mitch
      June 06, 15:23 Reply

      And you just had to make yourself seem important, right? Your attention-seeking skills make me wanna puke!

  23. Obinna
    June 06, 10:55 Reply

    duhhh. fuck haters I loved the dance joor!!

  24. Teflondon
    June 06, 12:02 Reply

    Mr dear it’s not my fault my life is awesome and interesting.. And yours is ……….. **cricket sounds**

  25. Eros
    June 06, 12:47 Reply

    Loooooooool. I just saw the video and still cant stop laughing. Can Korede Bello be anymore gayer??? he is practically farting sugar, spice and everything gay!! Move over Tiwa, there is a new Queen in Mavin

  26. Max
    June 06, 15:08 Reply

    I didn’t know “depression” and “misery”/hiding in the closet is the new ” awesome”…

  27. obatala
    June 06, 17:05 Reply

    hahhhhaaaa. that comment about dancing after them fuck finish cracked me up. but that dance is a Fulani dance. korede got it from a contest he did on IG when he was about releasing his song then. it was done by a little child who also won d 10000 naira. I have always followed him on IG. even from the days of humble beginnings.

    • posh6666
      June 06, 17:12 Reply

      Lol yea a poor imitation of d dance or rada d gay version lmaooo.I knw this cos they are my people.He was dancing as if he was possesed by a gay demon lmaoooooo d body twisting,the hands i died and came back.

      • posh6666
        June 06, 17:13 Reply

        The lady in white in d video sef was more manly than in him in dancing

  28. La-Coozee
    June 06, 19:36 Reply

    I think this “Girl” issue is something that needs to be addressed. Just because a guy is effeminate or bottoms does not make him a “Girl” or a “Sister”.
    I find it uninteresting, these tags we fix on ourselves and unknowingly give names to the public to call us by. Yes, I am a guy. Yes, I am gay. No, I am not a girl. No, I do not want to be a girl. Calling yourself a ” Gurl or girl or sister” is indirectly shedding your true self and revealing that you want to have a vagina, boobs, fix weaves and do all that girls do. Which I think is wrong. The whole point of being gay is comfortability, I think. You are comfortable with bottoming, you are comfortable with yourself inside out. Please, let us totally ignore the gurl/girl issue. If you give the public a rope to pull you with, don’t be surprised when they drag you through muddy roads.
    Thank you.
    Posh66666 take note

  29. Bane Salazar
    June 07, 04:18 Reply

    By the way guys, Korede’s dance is not original. This is probably where he picked it up from check this video:

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