Alexander Skarsgard’s Penis puts the “Big” in Big Little Lies 

Alexander Skarsgard’s Penis puts the “Big” in Big Little Lies 

Last Sunday’s penultimate episode of HBO’s Big Little Lies was packed with plenty of drama and conversation, but it was Perry’s (Alexander Skarsgård) penis that stole the show. If you’re keeping count, yes, this is the second time Alexander has gone full frontal on the network, some four years after introducing the world to every part of his glorious body on the season six finale of True Blood. It was a beautiful moment that lasted a mere three to four seconds because Eric began to burn. And, well, you know the rest.

Like True Blood, Alex’s nude scene on Big Little Lies was also dark (no, really, the room was not well lit) and painful. Extremely painful. Not taking his wife, Celeste (Nicole Kidman) seriously when she says she has to get ready for her friend Madeline’s show and has no time for sex, Perry caresses her one moment and then whips out his hard-on the next. But Celeste bristles at these overtures, leading him to react violently. He pulls her hair roughly when she tries to walk away. This leads to the most intense moment of the episode in which Celeste defends herself by taking a tennis racket to Perry’s exposed penis. That leaves him with a rightly deserved broken urethra.

Here’s Perry trying to seduce Celeste:IMG-20170328-WA004

Here’s Perry moments before the injury:big-little-lies-perry-penis-1-1490627471

And moments after:IMG-20170328-WA000

It wasn’t long before viewers took to Twitter to discuss what they’d just witnessed on the HBO show, with many assuming it was a prosthetic appendage.

‘Is that Alexander Skarsgard’s real dick?’ one user asked, while another mused: ‘Either Alexander Skarsgard has the biggest dick on earth or they used a rubber hose of some sort on Big Little Lies tonight.’

But some fans excitedly tweeted that they’d just seen the star go full frontal.

‘I was not expecting to see ALL of Alexander Skarsgard but woah!’ another shocked viewer posted.

‘Is Swedish sausage a thing?’ one person commented humorously.IMG-20170328-WA006IMG-20170328-WA003IMG-20170328-WA005IMG-20170328-WA001

The Hollywood hunk has previously discussed how comfortable he is with nudity.

“I was 14 the first time I saw my dad wearing pants,” he said in 2013 about his father, actor Stellan Skarsgard.

“He was always naked. Always naked. When he wasn’t at the theater, he would be at home cooking or just chilling with no clothes on.”

“Parents in the States freak out if their kids see a nipple or a butt cheek, but at the same time, they’re OK with their kids watching people bash each other’s heads in with baseball bats,” he said in an interview with OUT magazine.

The season finale of Big Little Lies airs next Sunday at 9pm on HBO.

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  1. Mandy
    March 28, 07:53 Reply

    I was watching that scene and when the dick popped out, my jaw dropped. I had to keep rewinding to savour the gloriousness and audacity of the preeq scene.

  2. kacee
    March 28, 08:08 Reply

    I don’t think it’s that big joor, looks like a prosthetic penis…lol, just i saying.

  3. Z
    March 28, 14:11 Reply

    Dear Pp, are we ever going to have LASITC again?

  4. Ed Martin
    October 07, 23:17 Reply

    That is his real Penis and I know from experience. Nothing fake at all about him, he is one great, king and caring guy and I miss having him around. A fun guy with the greatest family members, including his Dad. Wish everyone could be like this wonderful Swedish Family. I do Love him, Ed

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