And the winner for Most Gay Porn Googled Country is…
Anti-gay laws and strong social stigma appear to be doing nothing to abate the curiosity of everyday people – with Kenya’s searches for gay sex outranking those of all Western countries.
Kenya tops the Google trends rankings for both ‘gay sex pics’ and ‘gay porn pics’, with an extraordinarily high search index. South Africa came second, followed by Nigeria and Pakistan, with the US & UK ranking a distant seventh and eighth.
92% of the Kenyan population agrees that homosexuality is ‘unacceptable’, while having sex “against the order of nature” in the country can carry a prison sentence of up to 21 years.
The Anti-Homosexuality Bill would introduce harsh punishments for homosexuality, with life imprisonment or the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’.
November 04, 03:15We try sha…52%. All these closet gays in Nigeria didn’t fall my hand, to think that we would be like 5% tho
November 04, 04:44aggravated homosexuality?
someone tell me, dafuq is that?
November 04, 04:50Lol. That’s the term they are using o. It is a crime nah, isn’t it? You know, like aggravated assault… Lol
Dennis Macauley
November 04, 04:59Hypocrisy is really an African Word!
November 04, 05:09Not surprised…
November 04, 05:14These supposedly straight people have their fill of gay porn, hook up in secret with gay folk and kito a few of them along the way.
The nerve and hypocrisy of humans knows no bounds.
Kryss S
November 04, 05:19Hmmn! Saw this and just imagined my pastor googling “black gay porn”! Hypocrisy is a disease! Tufia!
Aproko Pikin
November 04, 05:36@Kryss, pray tell, who could this your pastor be?
Truth is, as African countries began promulgating the anti-gay laws it increased the curiosity in even the straight folks and brought the gay consciousness into limelight. So I don’t think the searches were exclusive to just gay peeps….
November 04, 05:34Hmmm I know where to go to gett my stash directly, so I don’t ve to go through aunty google
I see some ppl ve been busy asking her some fancy questions.
Where is iran sef? Cos middle east and african. Countries are always all over the top 10 every year. Imagine our. Legislators getting their gay fix, then beating their dicks till it blows , then coming out to spill hate with their mouth. Oju aye overload
November 04, 06:04Hmmmmmmmmmm…
In your face African leaders! Your goddamn laws aint doing jack.
Hope they see this result and hide their faces in shame *that if they have any left*
*putting on my corset, thong, thights, heels and bedazzled headphones and rocking to Beyonce’s Partition*
November 04, 06:08They might see the result and decide that they need more restrictive laws. Did I not hear from somewhere that network carriers are to be recording how the mobile data is being used by individuals?
November 04, 06:08*jaw dropping* Say what now?!
Kryss S
November 04, 06:42James! U don’t say! My data record would send me to hell not just jail! Lol!
November 04, 06:56This statistics may be true, but going by what Dennis said the other day, he prolly surfs for gay porn for half of Nigeria’s population #okbye
November 04, 07:02Hahahahahaaa
Brian Collins
November 04, 07:16Lwkmd.
Dennis Macauley
November 04, 12:04Don’t allow the devil use you!
November 04, 06:56Look what it has turned to. My theory is that the more acceptable a country is, the less people will need to browse gay porn. Its simple logic, if homosexuality is accepted – majority won’t need porn to get their needs satisfied. So I guess that’s why nigeria is in the top three.
And I can’t lie! Its sad……..
November 04, 07:13Hmm. A Bronze Medal is something.. At least we are ahead of UK & USA and the like (world powers) in something..
November 04, 07:19Hahahahahahahaa. On point kizito. After all its not easy to beat world powers at something.
November 04, 10:40Google kwa?
Dats definitely for Learners (emphasis on d big L)
November 04, 12:33I believe I once read somewhere that Nigeria was topping the list, I think that statistic was according to pornhub.
In a nutshell, the pros go straight to pornhub while the novice search via Google.
November 04, 14:40Nigeria’s middle names: backwardness, cruelty and hypocrisy!! She has lived up to the billing … mtchwwww
Mr Kassy
November 04, 23:06And the purportedly straight Nigerians are always deceiving themselves by yelling out curses *a cause to ponder upon seriously* on gays not knowing that they may be indirectly cursing their brother,father,uncles and cousins.
November 06, 18:28That’s the law of life. What you resist gets stronger. Hahahaha!
I love statistics!
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