Anti-gay pastor promises ‘cancer in the butthole’ of every gay person

Anti-gay pastor promises ‘cancer in the butthole’ of every gay person

The chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church has posted a bizarre online sermon in which he promises a ‘cancer in the butthole’ of every gay person.

James David Manning, yelling and using the word ‘butthole’ countless times, made the vow that ‘God is gonna put a cancer in the butthole of every sodomite … There will be people all over America walking around with flames coming out of their butthole.’

Manning further promised: ‘It’ll burn and burn and burn – they won’t be able to sit down because of the burning in their butthole…. If you thought AIDS was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet!’

The 69-year-old Manning continued graphically: ‘Everyone who has a penis injected in his butthole, when his penis comes out, the flames will start burning cause ain’t nobody gonna stick no penis in that flame. That flame will be an eternal flame coming out of the butthole of every sodomite.’

Through the ATLAH church, the ranting sermon was part of an online series called The Manning Report.

Manning caused controversy last week with his church facing foreclosure for unpaid utility bills. He vowed last week to burn a rainbow flag in celebration of what he viewed as some kind of victory in ATLAH’s ongoing legal battle against New York City.

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  1. Kenny
    September 07, 06:21 Reply

    Very ridiculous! Ode ??

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    September 07, 06:28 Reply

    This one doesn’t deserve a response! These are the kinds of people who will be abusing little girls in the church there

    • Mandy
      September 07, 06:37 Reply

      That is eh, with the way he’s calling butthole upandan, you can’t help but think he gets some sort of illicit butthole action in secret, and certainly not from mature asses.

  3. Mandy
    September 07, 06:40 Reply

    Sometimes I wonder if these antigay preachers are capable of rational thought. They sometimes just up and say the damnedest things.

  4. Canis VY Majoris
    September 07, 07:13 Reply

    For both Tops and Bottoms? Or just flaming bottoms.

    I still can’t understand how two men fucking adversely affects another human being, unless there’s something the government isn’t telling us.

    • Pink Panther
      September 07, 07:26 Reply

      ?? @ unless there’s something the government isn’t telling us.
      You wanna ask Buhari for some enlightenment?

      • Canis VY Majoris
        September 07, 23:47 Reply

        Yes o. Maybe he’d finally tell us the ‘real’ reason for the recession.

  5. Dim
    September 07, 07:15 Reply

    Judging Others Matthew 7 :2-5, Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you…You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye,and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. Same goes to to those condemning MGM on this platform. We all have our different destinations and purposes in life, so please mind your own business.

  6. Delle
    September 07, 08:30 Reply

    Smh. That’s how he’d slump from hate overload in a desert where his companions would only be the side-whinder snake and lethal scorpions!

  7. ambivalentone
    September 07, 09:02 Reply

    I don’t know about ‘flames in the butt’ and all that jazz, but a dick in the arse has been likened to a ‘sheath of enveloping WARMTH’ over and over again. He only lied about the heat intensity. He didn’t lie about it being absent.

  8. ofunwa
    September 07, 13:20 Reply

    Hmmmm…the fool really seems to have a thing for buttholes….we’ll soon find out.

  9. Eddie
    September 07, 18:28 Reply

    and in the words of one of my fave drag queens Violet Chachki…”people are dumb…like really dumb”

  10. fresh
    September 07, 23:15 Reply

    The flames with start with his penis…..this asshole must have tasted a butthole in secret. His lamenting on the fire that will sweep away his homophobic generation.

  11. CUE
    September 08, 00:08 Reply

    And people some of your church members have cancer and needs healing. You’re here pronouncing cancers on buttons when you should call upon the our Jewish Genie to heal this in your congregation.

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