Posts From Pink Panther

Dear KD 17 Comments

Dear KD: He Calls Me “Homo”

There’s this guy in my school. He’s in Marketing, while I’m in Accounting department. Both departments are in one faculty though. So, I get to see him often. Way too

Kito Stories 39 Comments


Seeing him on TV made the memories of everything that happened to come rushing back. And because I was desperate to keep it all shut out, I turned off the

The Happenings 7 Comments

German bishops declare that homosexuality is normal as the country’s Catholic Church begins review of its teachings on sexual morality

German bishops have said homosexuality is normal as the country’s Catholic Church begins a controversial review of its teachings on sexual morality. They agreed that being gay is a normal

The Happenings 4 Comments

Beyoncé and Rihanna make Forbes’ World’s 100 Most Powerful Women 2019 List

As if we needed any more proof that Beyoncé and Rihanna reign as two of music’s most supreme royalty, Forbes has confirmed what fans have long upheld: that Bey and

Editor's Desk 26 Comments


FOREWORD: This piece is dedicated to boys like my friend, JBoy, boys who grew from boys to men with a strength that society forbids us from having.   It’s incredible

The Happenings 6 Comments

Nigeria’s first trial based on the anti-homosexuality laws commences

Forty-seven men went on trial in on Wednesday (December 11) for public displays of affection with members of the same sex, an offence that carries a 14-year jail term in

The Happenings 3 Comments

Porn star Jarec Wentworth released early from prison after extorting Republican millionaire

Jarec Wentworth (real name Teofil Brank), who was serving 70 months in prison for blackmailing and extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from a high-profile Republican donor, has been released

Our Stories 32 Comments


The most unexpected thing happened to me a few days ago. It had only ever happened to me once before, years ago, when I was so young and nubile in

Opinion Pieces 3 Comments

Opinion: We’re All Losers In Eminem And Nick Cannon’s Embarrassing Feud

Originally published on Forbes   Celebrities need to be reminded every day that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. In this case, the celebrities most in