Azealia Banks lashes out at Rihanna in latest feud, posts her number online

Azealia Banks lashes out at Rihanna in latest feud, posts her number online

Azealia Banks has kicked off another celebrity feud.

The rapper ignited a social media battle with Rihanna after the pop star tweeted her opposition to President Donald Trump’s temporary ban of immigrants from seven predominately Muslim countries.

“Disgusted,” Rihanna tweeted. “The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!!”

However, outraged Trump supporter Banks then hit back with: “You don’t get to show up in another man’s country, kill his young, his wives, ruin his home and think a peace talk Is going to be the end of it. ITS NOT. There’s absolutely no way to end this war but to finish it ourselves.  It’s TERRIBLE, do I agree with it, NO, do I personally like what’s happening, NO! But I can say that as an American who enjoys her safety and overall ability to maintain a certain level of ignorance… I am 100% shook about open borders and would be reallllllllllllly scared for my self and my family if any parts of that war began to become real on this soil.”

She added: “As far as Rihanna (who isn’t a citizen, and can’t vote) and all the rest of the celebrities who are using their influence to stir the public, you lot really REALLY need to shut up and sit down.”

Rihanna then hit back at Banks with an Instagram post, before she retaliated by posting a photo that appeared to reveal RiRi’s phone number, along with the caption ‘BOMBS AWAY’.rihanna_phone_number_banks

Rihanna then did the same by sharing images of texts in which Banks claimed that Rihanna was a drug and sex addict, showing her phone number too.

“I don’t have to do anything to you miss,” the text said. “Beyonce is already working heavy on you. Ever think to stop and think that’s why you have a drug and sex addiction? Lol girlie. Best of luck.”Rihanna-text

Both messages have since been deleted and the numbers disconnected.

Rihanna meanwhile, continues to post messages in opposition to Donald Trump:

Banks recently criticised the recent Women’s March and called feminism “dangerous”. She was recently banned from Facebook for reportedly insulting Brazilians, and wrote a letter of apology to Zayn Malik after being barred from Twitter for accusations of racism.

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  1. KingBey
    February 01, 06:10 Reply

    She’s just a bitter, frustrated woman. Playing the “Citizen” card..really? Sweery, you don’t have to be a Citizen of a particular country for you to be a great success. Rihanna is bigger than her….let her go and drag wigs with Christina Milan

    • Mandy
      February 01, 06:21 Reply

      ???????? “…let her go and drag wigs with Christina Milan”
      You’re such a shady shady human being.

  2. Mandy
    February 01, 06:18 Reply

    Isn’t it time this talentless wannabe-but-will-never-be called Azealia Banks focuses on finding relevance through better means than picking twitter fights with those better than her?

  3. ambivalentone
    February 01, 08:19 Reply

    Well, while I never av shared this thought out loud, I find the ban something I would enforce myself. I have found muslims and drug lords very violent in trying to colonize areas they find themselves in (case study, Nigeria). Not like Jews who do it with subtlety (and I’ll give it grudgingly to Igbos). But being Trump and only 7 countries…not enough really.
    I do not mean to start e-wars with anybody, but if after fleeing as refugees, you begin to want to recreate conditions you fled from, biko what sense is shown?

    • Mitch
      February 01, 15:41 Reply

      Please, tell me, what is the difference between this thought pattern of yours and that of the homophobe who believes you should be killed or jailed? Afterall, it is a means to protect the young seeing as homosexuality equals paedophilia in the same vein as Islam equals intolerance and terrorism.

      • ambivalentone
        February 01, 19:39 Reply

        If you cannot differentiate btw “I am ur guest so I must fuck your boyfriend” and “Why the fuck do you even exist?”, asking me further qxns is pointless

        • Mitch
          February 01, 22:15 Reply

          This is just glorified gibberish!

          Your attempt to make sense of the nonsense you typed leaves me with no doubt whatsoever that you’ve got a whole lot of learning to do!

          • ambivalentone
            February 01, 23:30 Reply

            *shrugs* Wasn’t expecting you’d see any. Its quite understandable you fear the hammer will be coming down hard on our sanctimonious, hypocritical Nigerian arses. I understand your sense of self-preservation. Really, I do.

  4. Mitch
    February 01, 15:36 Reply

    What is an Azealia Banks, bikonu?

    A flower that makes people demented?

  5. Arabian Princess
    February 01, 18:59 Reply

    abeg…what is azelia saying…America is a city of immigrants and they did the same thing to the red Indians…so

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