Veteran bachelor Banky W is off the market! Singer proposes to co-star Adesua Etomi

Veteran bachelor Banky W is off the market! Singer proposes to co-star Adesua Etomi

The wait is over. A million hearts, both male and female, are officially broken, seeing as R&B singer, Banky W, is now off the market.

The singer took to instagram to announce his engagement to his The Wedding Party co-star, Adesua Etomi.

Banky W, real name Bankole Wellington, who had been under pressure from his fans to get married, revealed on his page that he proposed to Adesua in February 2017.

He further noted that they have had chemistry even before their cast as a couple in the movie, The Wedding Party, adding that this was not a promo for a movie or video.

He wrote: “In that time, I got engaged to you in my “made for you” music video… and by pure coincidence, we both got cast to get married in the wedding party movie… but all the while, we were the very best of friends. I guess, in our case, real life will now imitate art.”

Dear Susu (part II) In that time, I got engaged to you in my "made for you" music video… and by pure coincidence, we both got cast to get married in the wedding party movie.. but all the while we were the very best of friends. I guess, in our case, real life will now imitate art. I'm not sure what the future will bring, but I'm completely sure that I am ready to face it with you by my side. I pray that God continues to build me into the kind of man that you deserve. I love you Susu.. I feel safe and at peace with you. You mean the world to me. Thank you for agreeing to be my lover and best friend. Thank you for agreeing to be my wife. PS: The timing of this may make some people think this is promo for another video, or a movie. It isn't. Ironically, everyone who has seen us together in art, or in life, always insists that we have amazing chemistry. I guess you can say we have been hiding in plain sight. I fell in love with an Actress. Now my life is a movie. In February of 2017, I asked Adesua Tolulope Oluwaseun Etomi to be my wife. She said Yes.

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Dear Susu (part 1) We crossed paths 2 or 3 times since 2012, but I wasn't paying enough attention. Destiny was staring me right in the face and I was too caught up in my own hustle and paper chase, to know it. In June 2015 however, God brought you my way again, and this time, I really SAW you. I was smitten by your grace, aura, and beauty. So smitten infact, that even though I didn't get to say a word to you that day (because you were seated far across the room), I immediately called my best friend @captdemuren and told him I'd found my next girlfriend. LOL. He laughed. I asked one or two people about you.. your manager Isioma, who I'd worked with previously, and then I did some research myself. Googled you, stalked your instagram.. the whole 9 yards, and the more I found out, the more you seemed like a breath of fresh air. Now I personally don't like being "hooked up", so I decided to approach you myself by sliding into your DM a few days later. Introduced myself, made some silly attempts to make you laugh, told you I planned to become your biggest fan, and asked if we could be friends. Thank God you laughed at my silly jokes, and thank God you graciously agreed to become my friend. At the time, I was COMPLETELY lying about only wanting to be friends, by the way.. but I figured it was a safe place to start. Since that DM, I've spoken to you pretty much every single day for almost 2 years. Sometimes, in the morning, at night and in between. We clicked instantly, and you quickly became one of my favourite people on earth, and one of my closest friends. It got to the point where my day wouldn't quite feel right without speaking to you. I needed your friendship. I needed, and still need, the bond we share. It completes me. I knew pretty early in the process that I wanted to spend forever with you. Prayed about it fervently. But it took you FOREVER (okay fine.. maybe a year and a half or so) to see things my way. But I kinda knew all along.. I was just waiting for you to catch up. (To be continued pls read part 2)

A post shared by Banky W. (@bankywellington) on

Next Matt Bomer talks about coming out to his parents

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  1. Bain
    May 03, 15:02 Reply

    Awwwwnnn???…I wish them the very best…

    “Veteran bachelor”?… pinkie,ya wicked

    • Pink Panther
      May 03, 15:03 Reply

      Beht ees true na. 😀 We had already inducted him into the Eternal Bachelors Association.

      And then he went and did this!

  2. WhoIsUgo
    May 03, 17:12 Reply

    Mmmmm I’m loving this queer match. Bankss certainly has a type!

  3. cedar
    May 03, 18:49 Reply

    *clutching my heart* My crush is gone! Y didn’t I propose earlier? maybe he wud have said yes. Just maybe.

  4. himbo
    May 03, 19:18 Reply

    Awwn..they make such a…such…..


  5. Yazz Soltana
    May 03, 20:46 Reply

    Drop all your male lovers now that you are getting married ooo… I know you will make a good husband.

  6. Dickson' clement
    May 04, 06:54 Reply

    It was funny how they stole the spotlight from Beyonce.. .. pardon me genevieve nnaji… . Heard yesterday was her birthday

  7. posh666
    May 04, 07:49 Reply

    Guess he’s bi then cos the rumours has been floating around for years!

    • Mandy
      May 04, 07:59 Reply

      See how you just packaged bi and gave to him. The rumours that were floating, did anyone actually come to say he’s the one who shagged Banky W? Or were we just determined to claim Banky becos he’s fine and was single for so long?

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