Carl’s Existentialism III

Carl’s Existentialism III

According to, “existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility.” I understand it as a journey; a way to find oneself in any way that is comfortable, yet possible and realistic. For existentialism, “the belief is that people are searching to find out whom and what they are throughout life, as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook.”

Through Kito Diaries, I try to confront my hard truths by baring it all, even though behind a pseudonym, making sure that I am as honest as possible, and hopefully have an effect on at least one person. Someone said last week that ‘Carl’s Existentialism’ doesn’t seem to match with the weekly content. At first glance, I was a little down by the remark, but then after some self-scolding, I realized that I can’t help what people think. I can’t guide people to look beyond the surface and deeper at meanings that may or may not be hidden. It deeply pains me that whoever that person is could willingly type those hurtful words and call them criticism, let alone constructive criticism.

Anyway, I am not looking for a bone to pick. I consider the title an art, because I entirely came up with it. ANYONE who writes on this blog is an artist in himself or herself. The fact that people can take a time out of their day to construct ideas, characters, be they fiction, nonfiction or poetry, is a feat not easily accomplished. So if you don’t understand something, it’s okay to put in your little two cents, but endeavour not to put down the work read. #SpreadLove


I never understood why people used to call me girly. Up until JSS1, I always thought of myself as free spirited boy.

I didn’t care what people said or thought, and I did as I liked. All that changed in the second term of JSS2. A cold, stormy night – when all of us in my set had our own rooms with no one from any other set cohabiting with us – marked the beginning of the carefree Carl turning into an overly-guarded, sometimes depressed young child, afraid of everything and a victim of blackmail.

There were twelve of us in my room, and some irrelevant guys were playing with each other. They were ‘kwaving’, touching some other mate who was already asleep inappropriately. Some of those not involved in the play threatened to tell the sleeping student in the morning, while others laughed hysterically at the ‘joke’. It was a cold night, and I was in my bed, under my cover cloth, in my singlet and undies, admittedly a little turned-on by all of them jesting and touching each other. In my corner on the bottom bed of my bunk, I turned away from all the ruckus and tried to get some sleep.

Then I felt it – cool, smooth palms gripping my buttocks, and attempting to turn me around. My body, in its slutty mode, turned around, and I was facing the dark, nicely chiseled face and sparkling white teeth of MotherFucker (MF). (I almost want to put his name here to ruin his life, but I think I’ll stay my hand) At this point, my heart began to race, and I felt light headed. Before I could say anything (I’d intended to quietly tell him to leave my bed), he kissed me. All the walls I was attempting to build fell to nothingness. I was instantly so fucking turned-on I almost exploded. Then he reached for my ass through my pant, and any hope of restraining myself fell away with my walls. I couldn’t fight him. I didn’t want to. I gladly welcomed all parts of him, and I reached for his dick. After some kwaving, he slipped back out of my bed and I drifted off to sleep, satisfied and drained by all that excitement.

The next morning, there was no mention of what happened in the night. We dressed up, went to eat, had classes, and then siesta. See, I think Cupid was gambling with my hormones that afternoon during siesta, and made a mess of his gamble. When we got back to the classrooms for the afternoon prep, the konji overtook me, and all modicum of sense flew out of my head. I got up from my seat, and went out to find MF. I met him going through a book in the corridor. I motioned for him to follow me to the toilet area. When we got into an empty stall, I pushed him to the wall, and began ravishing him with kisses, reaching for his dick while I did.

A split second after I realized that he wasn’t returning my advances, he shoved at me, hissing, “What are you doing?” In that moment, I knew I had FUCKED UP! He attempted to leave the toilet stall, but I struggled to hold him back, whispering “Please…” He pushed me away, went out to the corridor, and called the first person he saw into the toilet.

As though the Fates were out to punish me for my indiscretion, that person was my arch nemesis – Sinister Bastard (SB). SB was a classmate, one of those I never really got along with in class.

As the two boys walked back into the toilet, I tried to catch MF’s eyes, mine silently pleading with him not to say anything. My eyes started filling with tears when he refused to meet my frantic gaze and began telling SB what had just transpired. As he talked, I dropped my head to the ground and sobbed quietly, my body awash with shame.

When he finished, I looked up at SB, at the look of horror on his face, as he loudly said, “Fucking fag! I’m going to cast to the principal.” I immediately fell to my knees, pleading with him vigorously that he not tell anyone else. He eyed me and slightly kicked me away from his leg. Then he spat, “I want your tuckshop for the rest of the week, and you better not do this again!”

“Okay, okay. No problem,” I hastily and tearfully agreed.

Satisfied that he owned me now, SB turned and left the bathroom. MF followed after him. And just before he disappeared from the threshold of the bathroom, he turned around and smiled at me. I paused in my tracks. The smile was the vilest, most devastating thing to behold. Just the night before he had initiated what I thought was like a silent agreement between us, and here he was, smiling at his destruction of me. I turned around to one of the stalls at the back, and cried my entire being out as quietly as I could. Then, I got up, dried my eyes as best as I could, and returned to the classroom for the remainder of the prep.

That day began the downward spiral of my life in high school. Perhaps SB and MF went on to tell others, perhaps they didn’t. But I suddenly became a target for bullies. It didn’t help that I was effeminate, a tendency I strived to change. I was taunted and beat up a number of times, and was scorned by the seniors as well.

I don’t know if my life would have being different if MF and SB hadn’t emotionally scarred me, but one thing I know is clear, the way I feel now as I write this, now after all these years have passed, if I saw them in a car accident and the car started to burn and I was all the avenue they had to safety and life, I would turn to my empowerment playlist on Spotify, and nod my head to the music while watching them burn.

Tack så mycket för att läsa.

Till next session!

Written by Carl

Next When Something Died

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  1. Deola
    May 16, 04:59 Reply

    This Hit a little too close to home for me.
    Boarding school and the bloody memories…

    Nicely written Carl.

  2. GOld
    May 16, 05:41 Reply

    People always thought I was a bit too girly in sec. School. Though they couldn’t touch me because I was taller and bigger than most of them.The day they really started respecting me was the day I fought with one of the class bullies who tried bullying me and almost kill him.

    Nice one Carl.Short but precise.

    • Carl
      May 16, 06:51 Reply

      Lol. Glad that worked for you. I was tall though, but lanky, and timid. All the wrong combos.

      I know. I try to make it lengthy, but I think I’d just be repetitive. Thanks a lot.

  3. Masked Man
    May 16, 05:45 Reply


    Very nice names.
    Well done, nice piece.

  4. Jamie
    May 16, 05:54 Reply

    Oh no…
    I understand how u feel @Carl… Just try and get over the shit!!

    • Carl
      May 16, 06:53 Reply

      It’s never easy to get over something when you don’t have closure. I’m aiming to become very successful and stunt on those hoes. *dusts 30 karat emerald ring from future bae*. Lol

  5. trystham
    May 16, 06:02 Reply

    LOOOOL. I love the ‘names’ u gave them. ‘Sinister Bastard’ got me rolling. Your boarding house lingo feels so reminiscent of mine but we definitely were more than 12 in each dormitory room and we didn’t use ‘irrelevant’…nice one tho. Blame that bloody quiver carrying misshapen freak that claims Cherub by the name of Cupid.
    I have my own list of ppl I wouldn’t lift a hand to save too. Rm1 (Danfodio), Rm 5 (Macaulay) and Rm6 (Moremi) boys. They were a thorn in my flesh

    • Carl
      May 16, 06:58 Reply

      Lol, thanks.
      I have always lacked in upholding the ‘vengeance is of the Lord’ rule. It’s only a handful of people I liked from my set. Maybe we should go all gone girl on them. *walks off into the alley bemused on revenge*

    • saude
      May 16, 08:00 Reply

      Oh trystham…you attended F.G.C.Lagos?

    • trystham
      May 16, 10:28 Reply

      @ I dunno. I like the whole karma thing. The revenge comes when I least expect a a ‘pick me up’ and boy, I never can rub my hands in glee and laugh evilly enough.

      @Saudé Yup. I did.

      • saude
        May 16, 16:59 Reply

        @trystham what set?
        I was in danfodio and grad 2011.

      • Lothario
        May 17, 07:34 Reply

        2011? Oh jeez! You hadn’t even entered the year I left.

  6. kacee
    May 16, 06:14 Reply

    Nice piece,wow all this happened in jss 2

    Happy married life Xavier Bettel & Destenay Gauthier #kisses

    • Masked Man
      May 16, 06:43 Reply

      Yeah. I saw that.
      Luxembourg’s prime minister, right?

      • Tiercel de Claron
        May 16, 07:26 Reply

        Yeah,deputy openly gay too.
        Not the first European leader to marry his gay partner though,Iceland’s Johanna Sigurdatóttir had that cornered

    • Carl
      May 16, 06:59 Reply

      It was actually JSS1. My bad on the typo. I didn’t even get to enjoy the freshie life.

  7. princeKel
    May 16, 06:52 Reply

    Nice one Carl but on the latter part of the write up don’t watch them burn but give them some assistance to let them know that love is all that matters no matter what we are sexually,physically and emotionally.Their acts then will haunt them after you’ve helped them.

    • Carl
      May 16, 07:13 Reply

      Sigh. Oh prince, you are the good side of me. Fine fine, I wouldn’t let them burn, but after I’ve healed them in my hospital, and they have no more work, they can become either orderlies or garderners. No offense to the honest workers out there.

  8. KryxxX
    May 16, 07:01 Reply

    **Heavy Sigh**

    Story just brought back memories I wish I could just erase! Like go back in time nd make that faithful evening/night in school not happen.

    Jss2, playing with friends in the hostel just b4 light’s out. With d full blast of light everywhere. Jumping on each others body nd basically having fun!

    “Homo!!!!”, we heard next! Senior, they r doing homo over there! “Run down here all of you nd lie down flat!” the senior boy screamed

    Lets just my life was never d same after that! Tortured, humiliated, blackmailled, provisions taken, money taken! We all died a million times that night! Couldn’t sit for a week! I was blackmailed till that set passed out! Naive me couldn’t report! I didn’t do anything!

    I remember everything! Every name that tortured/blackmailed me! I remember you guys…….. I hope you remember me and what u did when d time for payback finally comes………… Remember……

    • Carl
      May 16, 07:14 Reply

      SPEAK TO THE HEAVENS KryxxX. They shall be shown only minimal mercy.

    • Tiercel de Claron
      May 16, 07:20 Reply

      “Vengeance is mine,saith the Lord.I will recompense”.The Lord of Host will do this,not Carl nor KryxxX,lords of Kitodiaries

  9. Oluwadamilare Okoro
    May 16, 09:58 Reply

    … Good write-up.

    I was never in any hostel… high school or Uni… I guess I missed a lot of fun… also dodged a lot of the brohahas (me that love taking risks).

    It is well.

  10. ruby
    May 16, 10:16 Reply

    Beautifully done Carl.
    I’d watch them burn too

  11. Mercury
    May 16, 10:26 Reply

    The human heart is full of cruelty, and age is not a deciding factor. Some of the guys they messed with me back in d day, I wish they could see me now.

    • Mercury
      May 16, 10:37 Reply

      One of my arch nemesis back in d university, got shot in a kidnapping attempt a lil while after I graduated, I heard and honestly I didn’t feel sorry for him……and then he came on to Facebook after he had healed to guilt trip me for hearing that he almost died and didn’t say anything. All I could think of was is this nigga for real, the last time we chatted on Facebook you told the whole sch I was hitting on you. And preceeded to torture me for d remaining years I had der.

      • trystham
        May 16, 11:15 Reply

        Biko, make una see wahala o. Was it you who told the kidnappers to kidnap or even shoot him or for him to be worth kidnapping sef? This is how human beings can be irrational o. Like as if your particular brand of “Eeeyah, sorry” has healing properties. Anuofia!!!

      • Mercury
        May 16, 12:29 Reply

        My dear, na so I see am oooo, this is someone that made my life hell in sch oooo, alienated me from my classmates and all, looking for my sympathy. I used to pray for his expulsion from sch and that never happened while I was der, I heard it happened later.

      • Carl
        May 16, 15:27 Reply

        Insane and selfish are the words to describe that idiot.

  12. Sinnex
    May 16, 11:29 Reply

    This is really nice.

    Not the bullying part ooo…but the story. Nobody said your story did not make sense, it’s just that I know you have a lot of things to say but you were not sure if you wanted to share your story with us. If you wanted to open up to us. Like telling us anything about you would have repercussions or something.

    • Carl
      May 16, 15:28 Reply

      Paranoia has been one of my closest friends for years. It won’t let me go, truth is, I’m addicted to it. @Sinnex

  13. Diablo
    May 16, 11:35 Reply

    This is probably the right time to use this word : Poignant.

  14. Khaleesi
    May 16, 12:58 Reply

    Wow, this is from a deep place of enormous pain. Its obvious you’re deeply scarred by that childhood experience but i know its made you strong and that you’ll thrive and do extremely well … in a few years to come, those fuckers will look up to you and feel deep shame for their cruelty

    • Carl
      May 16, 15:29 Reply

      Amen! And Thanks! Khaleesi

  15. Brian Collins
    May 16, 15:07 Reply

    Wow, this really does give a peek into Carl,s Existentialism. Brought back memories for me too. The whole being blackmailed and stuff, it was not pleasant. MF & SB had me cracking up. We had one SB in my school too. He almost got a friend expelled when he found out he was gay. It was so humiliating for the said boy.
    Keep this up carl.

    • Carl
      May 16, 15:30 Reply

      Would you be surprised to know that, that wasn’t the end of it ? Honestly I don’t even know how I’m here today.

  16. keredim69
    May 16, 16:25 Reply

    … och var kommer svenska kommer foemen, Carl?

    • Carl
      May 16, 16:53 Reply

      Keredim69 frågar du om det svenska kommer att forma? eller vad essensen av det är?

      • keredim69
        May 16, 16:58 Reply

        Just asking where the swedish influence is from?

    • Carl
      May 16, 17:10 Reply

      No where. I just use a different language to say thank you to the people that read everytime I submit a new post. Lol

      • Carl
        May 16, 17:29 Reply

        Lool. At least PP notices and likes it. It will suffice for now, until I make one of my titles a different language in all caps. Lol

        500? I didn’t know that. That’s impressive. I now plan to delve in more. I was gonna use Igbo or Afrikaans(this isn’t Nigerian) this week. Lol

  17. pinkpanthertb
    May 16, 17:14 Reply

    Lol. I know I don’t. But I like the exotic feel it gives the post. 🙂

    • Brian Collins
      May 16, 21:14 Reply

      Pinky we really should have this here as a post. I would like to see what Max and Khaleesi have to say.

  18. Gad
    May 16, 20:07 Reply

    After a “life time” of harboring deep resentment,hatred,urge for revenge and all, let’s ask our selves if we had got any peace. If we should tell our selves the truth,the answer is no. Why not try this mystery called forgiveness. I define forgiveness as the giving up of one’s right to hurt the person/people that hurt him. Try forgiveness and you can’t understand the peace that will take over you. This is by no means saying that what you passed through wasn’t unbearable but for our sake we MUST forgive. This is yet another good and short one. Just the way I like it. Well done Carl

    • Carl
      May 16, 21:50 Reply

      Yes, I’ve taken two classes relating to philosophy. Intro to Philosophy and Intro to Ethics. I love stuff like that. @Kunleshi.

    • Carl
      May 17, 05:32 Reply

      Oh that’s great. I wish you all the best!

  19. Façade
    May 21, 09:03 Reply

    I’d watch them burn too n dance in circles round the flame. Nice piece carl

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