D’banj Talks About Why He’s Remained Unmarried

D’banj Talks About Why He’s Remained Unmarried

In a chat with Saturday Beats, the Koko Master, D’banj, revealed he had wanted to get married at the age of 30 but has yet to do so five years after. The DB Records boss has been linked with a string of beauties which includes Genevieve Nnaji, Jennifer Obayuwana, daughter of Polo boss, John Obayuwana, billionaire daughter, Adama Ndimi and South African diva, Bonang Matheba. Apparently, none has been able to tame the 35-year old eligible bachelor.

Below are excerpts from the interview:

On why he is still not married despite being successful:

“While growing up, there were some goals I set for myself and at 35, I have accomplished most of them. Sadly, I have not accomplished the primary goals. The main one is marriage. By now, I thought I would have been married. I had always thought I would have a child before the age of 30. That fantasy did not become a reality because I wanted to strengthen my brand. I wanted to be sure that I was on the right path career-wise because as a kid, you need to crawl before you can walk and eventually run. I wanted to be sure I surpass all boundaries and reach a certain stage where I can easily balance my work and family. That is the main reason why I am not married.”

On his other achievements which have surpassed his widest imaginations:

“Apart from marriage, one other thing I desire to have is the Grammy but that is already in the pipeline and it would be acquired soon. I didn’t know I would meet Kanye West while I was dreaming big as a child. But I dreamt that I would go places and people would hear my song all over the world. I also dreamt that Caucasians would dance to my music. I dreamt I would top music charts across the world and all that has happened. I have dreamt of performing in front of thousands of people on a global stage and I have achieved that. For all these I am grateful to God.”

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  1. OMG!!!It's HYPO
    September 04, 07:08 Reply

    Koko-Master…….Tell us d real reason #Biko
    I crushed on him 4 abt 7yrs #lol

  2. Masked Man
    September 04, 07:27 Reply

    We all know the reason dear. We all do. Mtcheew!

  3. Ringlana
    September 04, 07:49 Reply

    We all have Primary ,Don’t we?…Koko Master pls do Quench some kdain taste. Some Crusher are Dieing deep inside. Mbok

  4. Max
    September 04, 08:04 Reply

    All I see is dodgy answers. Grammy Gini?
    Bitch is delusional. ?????

  5. ken
    September 04, 08:14 Reply

    Story for the gods!
    We both know the STRONG connection btw koko master and don J…and it aint about the music!

    Once upon a time the “bond” between them was, well, “interesting” to say the least.

      • ken
        September 04, 08:52 Reply

        Yes ke. Incuding the size of “mr endowed’s” “koko”….quite impressive, if u knw what I mean *winks*

        Hmmm whatever happened to their lesbian counterpart weird mc. Sources say back in the day, the trio were really tight as friends.

        If the choice of koredo bello is anything to go buy, it will seem a pattern is emerging of don j’s “type”. Hehehe

        • Teflondon
          September 04, 12:07 Reply

          Contuary to general beliefs, he is quite bit below average done there. take this from someone that knows.

          • Pink Panther
            September 04, 12:39 Reply

            *shifting close to Teflondon* *holding up teapot* More tea?

            • Max
              September 04, 16:58 Reply

              Pass me the sugar pls @PP

          • Lothario
            September 08, 07:02 Reply

            Exactly! Which is why I’m wondering what that one up there is saying. You either haven’t seen a lot in your time or pretending to be in the know. Mcheeeeeww!

  6. R.A
    September 04, 08:23 Reply

    *sings out loud* “What is the koko? Who is the koko? Where is the Koko? I NEED THE KOKO!!!
    Dear D’banj, please tell us the koko, you won’t be the first ?

  7. sensei
    September 04, 08:51 Reply

    Grammy indeed. Abeg rest!

  8. Queen Blue Fox
    September 04, 09:45 Reply

    Ahhhhh the crush that got away!

    *pulls spectacles down & faces D’banj* Tell us more Koko Master.

  9. A-non
    September 04, 10:29 Reply

    I just love to listen in when KDians gossip.
    It beats most other forms of entertainment.
    *continues eat bananas with one eye on work and the other on fresh updates on this page*

  10. Khaleesi
    September 04, 11:08 Reply

    Ahhh!!! My boo that never was! I dreamt so long and hard about doing all sorts of nasty things to/with this man … is it really true what they say that he’s hung like a horse? And that him and Don Jazzy were ***claps hand over mouth ***

  11. Posh6666
    September 04, 12:12 Reply

    Who do we believe now some have been saying it for years now that his cock is the size of that of a child and now am hearing that its like a giant plantain biko we need a confirmed sex worker who done do runs with am to confirm this gist tired of d dem say dem say!Good morning Keredim……

    • Keredim
      September 04, 14:07 Reply

      Good Afternoon Posh,

      Lesson #1 A true courtesan, doesn’t kiss & tell. Discretion is key.

      To you that would interprete as “lawyer client privilege”?

      • posh6666
        September 04, 14:45 Reply

        Well here’s to hoping u would be writing a “tell all book”someday upon retirement so all our curiosities might be satisfied….

    • Diablo
      September 04, 14:28 Reply

      Damn. Just had a headache.

  12. Teflondon
    September 04, 12:15 Reply

    I remember a gay party Derenle brought D’banj. We were all in awe of this gorgeous specimen but whatever happened to him. He’s changed a lot to me.. By no means that fine young man he use to be.

    Did I hear Grammy? Lol My dear stick to MAMAs and Hip awards Pls. even that is out of your grasp these days.

    • posh6666
      September 04, 14:49 Reply

      Dear tef him attending a party and his cock size are two seperate ish…u sounded so sure that his cock was tiny did both of u make out on that fateful day or just a rumour u heard from the wanna be divas who attended the party?cos our people can lie ehn even the dead will roll over in his grave from shock

  13. Diablo
    September 04, 14:48 Reply

    Its the same dark shades ( conveniently worn indoors ofcourse) , the same style, the same mannerisms, everything about him seems stuck at circa 2007 ‘Why Me’ days. True artists constantly evolve to stay relavant : Think Rihanna. If he really wants to win that Grammy then he needs to stop being so invariant. And at 35, time isn’t exactly on his side

  14. Richard Moore
    September 04, 15:55 Reply

    D’Banj, whenever you’re ready to tell the truth, some of us are still waiting. *side eye on fleek*

  15. Paul
    September 04, 20:45 Reply

    So according to the rumor mill ; Badically everyone in Nigerian entertainment is gay. D’banj, Wizkid, Harrysong allegedly slept witha telecoms executive to get his telecoms deal, same with Kcee. D’prince is also gay and the list is endless. But you know what the truth is? Half of the rumour is true.
    But i will not tell you the once i am sure of.

    • posh6666
      September 04, 22:05 Reply

      Well have also been hearing bout wizkid for a while with bany w…I guess the saying that every straight guy can be gay for a price is true.Tho all the names u mentioned have always had my gaydar ringing and they have all got this power btm/macho mary vibes around them especially madam kcee bleachy bleachy.I remember back in uni one of the accounting dept lecturer was notorious for turning out straight guys and using them how he wants hence they fail most of them will be forming super straighf meanwhile they become little bitches in the man’s office when they are being dicked down.The other notorious one in pub admin dept was later set up in a hotel in abj and the papers carried the news sef that year.It was after then that some of them had the courage to come out and say what actually happened.Meaning every homophobe out there can be gay for something he really wants so this entertainment world guys shouldnt be that difficult to figure out its all about the image,all about the fame and money so what cant they do to maintain it..

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