‘Ebola could cleanse the world of atheists and gay people.’ – declares Christian broadcaster

‘Ebola could cleanse the world of atheists and gay people.’ – declares Christian broadcaster

wiles3-2-615x345An American Christian radio host, Rick Wiles, who enthusiastically looks for signs that the world will end, welcomed the Ebola virus as a cleansing force.

“This Ebola epidemic could become a global pandemic, and that’s another name for plague,” said broadcaster Wiles on his “Trunews” program.

“It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming,” he continued. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography, and abortion.”

Wiles was enthusiastic on Tuesday about the arrival of Ebola, and it was reported that he warned the day before that President Barack Obama may intentionally spread the deadly virus through a mandatory and mysterious vaccine. That would somehow then allow Obama to declare martial law and force Americans into FEMA camps, the religious right broadcaster theorized.

“If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God,” Wiles warned. “If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper.”

#sigh. So atheists, homosexuals and sluts, right? So far, that’s the denomination of Africa’s population that’s dying from Ebola, no?

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  1. Clare Flourish
    August 10, 05:20 Reply

    Bloody ell, you really do have some nutcases over there.

    I wonder what he would think of Black Death statistics- a third or a half of the European population, before the Reformation so their Christianity might not count.

    Actually, his God might want to use Ebola to Rapture him up to Heaven, and leave the rest of us in peace.

  2. lluvmua
    August 10, 05:47 Reply

    Smh he is so uneducated jeez!!!!

  3. trystham
    August 10, 06:47 Reply

    But atheists n gay ppl have always been too intellectual, too informed n too prissy? to contract ebola na. He should still stick to HIV being our scourge abeg.

  4. Legalkoboko
    August 10, 06:50 Reply

    There we are at last! Eureka! Finally, we have discovered the vaccine against Ebola. It is the blood of Jesus.

    We must give it to this brilliant pastor. Here is “too much”!

  5. Chizzie
    August 10, 07:31 Reply

    How can one person be so ignorant and filled with hate and blind paranoia, overtly religious ppl like him should be institutionalised for the safety of the human race

  6. chestnut
    August 10, 08:27 Reply

    I swear, some ppl are just soooo stupid that u can’t even be mad at them…lol. So he actually thinks everyone that has died from ebola is a gay,atheist, slut? LMAO. I can’t,with these “religionistas”. Dat poor man needs psychiatric help; how they gonna leave him like that without saving his mental health?

  7. Khaleesi
    August 10, 09:32 Reply

    this is the beauty of America’s democracy, despite all its flaws, it allows everyone speak his mind (however nutty the views), however you must also live with the consequences of your free speech (libel, slander suits etc). This fool belongs FIRMLY in Nigeria, unfortunately, imagine how many misguided religitards would adopt his views in Nigeria, I wont be surprised if soon one of our local pastorpreneurs takes up a similar chant … most religion, if not all is the biggest scam known to man ***goes back to filing manicured nails***

  8. victor
    August 10, 09:47 Reply

    That’s how they blame whichevr problem on the world on the gays,I was listening to the radio recently while they were talking about ebola someone called and was talking bout how obama created ebola through scientists nd sent it to africa while holding the cure and that he plans on only giving the cure if africans allow men to marry men .

    • pinkpanthertb
      August 10, 10:32 Reply

      Unbelievable. The bigotry of people never ceases to amaze me

  9. sensuousensei
    August 10, 16:54 Reply

    I got two choices. I could say “God kill the ignorant idiot” OR “God bless him”. The former is very appealing but since its sunday, I’ll bless and not curse. *grits teeth*


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