Boxer Evander Holyfield won’t acknowledge Caitlyn Jenner, says she’s still ‘Bruce’

Boxer Evander Holyfield won’t acknowledge Caitlyn Jenner, says she’s still ‘Bruce’

The transgender activist delivered a powerful speech calling for her fellow sports people to respect trans community recently. However, it seems to have been wasted on boxer Evander Holyfield.

Former Olympian, Caitlyn Jenner, received a standing ovation on Wednesday night (July 15) as she walked on stage to accept the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in what was the star’s first major public appearance as a transgender woman.

Speaking on stage at the ESPYS, which honours sports people, she said: “Trans people deserve something vital, they deserve your respect.”

But after the show, former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield said: “I just know that’s Bruce Jenner and I’ll leave it at that.”

Transgender groups have spoken out against the boxer’s comments, saying it is disrespectful not to use the name and pronoun a transgender person prefers.

This isn’t the first time the former heavyweight champion has spoken out against the LGBT community. Holyfield caused controversy on Celebrity Big Brother last year after making a series of homophobic remarks, including: “Being gay ain’t normal.”

However, it seems many other members of the sporting community are more than willing to show their support for the reality TV star.

Little League baseball pitcher Mo’ne Davis, who is just 14, described Caitlyn as “brave to have the courage to get through a lot of those things”, reports BBC Newsbeat.

In addition, Jenner’s mother and famous offspring accompanied her to the event, further showing their support for the star.

Jenner’s step-daughter Kim Kardashian spoke before the event of how her relationship with Caitlyn has changed since her gender transition. “It’s a different one. We’re definitely closer and I understand her a bit better, and her struggle. I respect all of her decisions, and I think it’s great that she can be so honest and brave and be who she wants to be.”

However, Holyfield is not the only person to express confusion or disdain for Jenner, or ESPYs decision to give the star an award. American hip hop star Lil Scrappy launched a scathing attack on both Jenner and the transgender community, advising that she should ‘stick to what you were made to be’. He also argued that if Jenner had been a black, she would not have gotten the same kind of overwhelming acceptance the star has received.

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  1. Francis
    July 18, 05:35 Reply

    Sometimes I’m so glad I was born in Africa. These americanos and their issues with racism sha. So exhausting and limiting.

    • Iyke
      July 18, 12:32 Reply

      You are happy you are born in Africa?

      For real?

      At least they won’t Lynch u over there for whom you are.

  2. kacee
    July 18, 07:28 Reply

    The black community always and will always have problems with race, i don’t blame them sometimes.

  3. pete
    July 18, 07:32 Reply

    trying to make it a race thing,eh!

  4. Masked Man
    July 18, 07:55 Reply

    Who’s lil Scrappy again, biko kwa nu? Someborri will just wake up and talk shit.

    • Francis
      July 18, 09:26 Reply

      @MaskedMan me too dey wonder. This jab at Caitlyn fit be publicity stunt sef to sell himself to niggas

      • Masked Man
        July 18, 09:32 Reply

        He sounds like something I can’t imagine. All these attention seekers sef.

  5. Williams
    July 18, 08:36 Reply

    Not everyone must send acceptance speeches to Jenner.The heavyweight athlete happens to be one of those.Same Jenner claimed to be okay with either He or She references,Trans people can please rest it a little.

    The ESPY award should have really gone to the athlete who was a winner despite battles with brain tumor,she is still a winner in death.

    • Francis
      July 18, 09:23 Reply

      @Williams courage comes in different shades and sizes for everyone. It’s like when BeyHive went beserk on Becks for winning Album of the Year. The award can’t cover everyone. Plenty pipu have been battling cancer and winning in Aftica, I don’t see them crying for awards

  6. Sinnex
    July 18, 15:58 Reply

    @MM Because Y has a long tail and 2 branches.

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