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Loud it, Grandpa! Lol.
By now, y’all must have heard of Irvin randle, the local grandfather is now an internet sensation, and all he did was look good.
Irvin Randle says one day life was normal; the next, his selfies were being shared all over the web.
“I don’t feel 54. I don’t feel it at all,” said Randle, a native Houstonian and elementary school teacher for HISD. “I start logging into Facebook and start seeing it and I was like, ‘Wow, wow!’”
On the internet he’s known for his stylish pictures, which earned him the title #MrStealYourGrandma.
The pictures Randle took of himself were with a selfie stick, but it wasn’t until a celebrity website picked it up and added the hashtag that it went viral.
With his new fame, he does have one big thing planned for the future.
“I’m going to get a Twitter account now,” he said.
But first…
“I need somebody to show me how to set it up,” Randle said with a smile.
July 05, 06:18This man is an object of motivation coupled with Angela Bassett. Those two don’t wanna change.Forget about his grey beards but his youthful exuberance is 100. His dress sense and everything is amazing . I’ll do better when I get to 54.
Did I forget to say that Lionel Richie is few years away to clocking 70? If whoever I’m with by then can carry himself this way,why will I look outside? Lol
Pink Panther
July 05, 06:30Lionel Richie is clocking 70?! Jeez! Some people’s genes are tapped directly from the fountain of youth sha.
July 05, 06:57i am telling you. I wonder how they do it. He can be a competition to many youths. I have always been skeptical about old age but now, bring it on . some old men eludes sexyness for reals. Looking forward to it!
July 05, 12:49How they do it? Think young, feel young, good sex. Dazzal!
Dennis Macaulay
July 05, 06:30This is the kind of man I sha will marry ???
Yes Yes I know I am the twink hoe, but nothing tastes better than Vintage wine
Mike Daemon
July 05, 06:33It will never be enough for gay men, regardless of how you look. Its a disease that has eaten deep.
July 05, 06:49What are you talking about?
July 05, 06:49True Mike Daemon. Some gay men will still cheat and mess around with filth when they have an eye candy who can give them the world. it has eaten so deep in many that i can’t even comprehend. smh
Pink Panther
July 05, 06:51Yes please, I’m not sure I’m clear on what you’re talking about.
July 05, 06:59I believe he meant most gay guys will still cheat even if the have someone like this man at their beck and call. I must have mistaken his statement tho.
Dennis Macaulay
July 05, 07:04The guy is not gay and this post is not about cheating. What is Mike Daemon talking about please?
July 05, 07:59why the questioning ? What Mike was saying is clear and di navy just said it again and it’s the truth!
Dennis Macaulay
July 05, 09:22What has it got to do with the post?
July 05, 12:02The post is about good looks…u seem angry
July 05, 12:48Lmao @u seem angry. Are you scared of anger?
July 05, 14:33Just don’t know why he should
July 05, 09:05All I see is homophobia has stemmed from JEALOUSY!!!
July 05, 17:14What about biphobia?
July 05, 21:03Bwahahahaha. I am not jealous. I am AMUSED. It borders on pity. Face it, just as Chizzie has said, u r a confused lot hiding behind what is an opportunistic situation the Nigerian society has created for y’all. We can’t tell who is truly bi or conditioned into thinking he/she is bi.
July 05, 09:35Maybe if I begin to dye my beards white, I might nail this look. 54 is the new 30
Chandler B.
July 05, 09:52This one is an elementary school teacher? With all the expensive accessories, gears and automobiles he displays in his IG pictures? (Yes, I’ve stalked him since tey tey). Issorait. Let me go and look for elementary school in Houston I’d be teaching.
Dennis Macaulay
July 05, 10:19Amrika na credit economy na
Chandler B.
July 05, 15:32I neva knew. I think I look good enough to be credit worthy. *boards BRT to Amrika*
July 05, 12:46I don’t know, but old men like this tickle my fancy.
July 05, 15:09Until you find out their bisexual.
July 05, 15:17Ah yes, until that happens.
Tsk tsk.
July 05, 16:32Only if RMD will visit the Gym then,his gonna rock this look…
July 05, 17:14He’s gradually letting the whole attention get to his head. I’ve seen a couple of his videos, and sure he has the looks for someone his age but I don’t see very much substance. He reminds me of one of our much older commenters here, who has since gone MIA, probably after stumbling on his birth certificate.
Both are proof that to be old doesn’t necessitate wisdom
Pink Panther
July 05, 21:01I want to be around when you’re 50. I pray God keeps me alive and knowing when you get past middle age. Wallai.
July 05, 23:02You can bet that I certainly won’t be on KD or any blog for that matter trading words with a 26 yr old. I’d rather pull a TeeBillz.
July 05, 20:29I have this love for men far older than me and fit, i will date this guy any time if he is bi or gay. @chizzie Wetin this our older commenter do you
Sexy Grandpa Irvin Randle Outed As Gay By Alleged Lover | KitoDiaries
September 17, 08:07[…] Randle did some interviews during the internet furor surrounding his fashionable good looks, and appeared to be pandering to the ladies. He even posted on the social media, slamming claims that he was gay. […]