For Jamel Myles
For what good is humanity
If time and time again, it fails
To achieve its one primal aim
Which is to accept, love
And protect those under its wings
Regardless of our differences?
If all it does is reveal the evils
Amongst us
Spill our blood on the pavements
And spit our cries for freedom and
Back in our faces
If somewhere in the world
A young dream like me –
Like all of us
Is about to melt into nothing
All because he has chosen to
Live and love so unapologetically that
It threatens us
They say love your neighbours
As yourselves
But as the days go by
I’m starting to realise that
We only choose to love those
We deem worthy of
Written by Ejiro O.
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1 Comment
September 03, 06:50❤️❤️❤️