I am Akin

Mobbed for daring to love

For daring to put my heart out

To have its beating ended so prematurely


I am Akin

The unborn child sentenced to death

Before I even took a breath


I am Akin

The youngster branded fugitive for saying true

With a bounty on my head for living me

Scum of the earth made to hide


I am Akin

That teenager grieved by the knowledge self

Demons lurking within my shadow

Tipping my mind over a saddle


I am Akin

The one whose blood soaks the earth

When savagery claimed your soul

As you preyed on humanity without remorse

Your mind and body tarnished black and red with hate


I am Akin

Who time and again has been flayed

Leaving screams in the echoes of time

I time and again walk this plane

A testament to the pains of Akins before

A liberator of the Akins to come


I am Akin

And I’m not afraid to die

‘Cos I’m already dead


Written by Andrevn

Next Some Words Of Inspiration From Kenny Brandmuse

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Writer’s Word: This poem was written a few years ago, when I was still struggling with identifying who I was and with self acceptance. It is published now in recognition


  1. Mandy
    March 30, 05:55 Reply

    It is my wish that Akin will become the movement for Nigerian gay rights such as we’ve never seen. It is my prayer that one day, all these lives of gay men lost will channel power into freeing the Nigerian LGBT.

  2. Absalom
    March 30, 06:09 Reply

    ? This poem reminds me all over again. ?

  3. A-non
    March 30, 07:29 Reply

    @Pinky, thanks for all of today’s posts.

    Posts like these were part of what held my interest in this site in the past.

    Thanks for gradually restoring it to gloryland.


  4. Khaleesi
    March 30, 07:46 Reply

    ***grabs Pinky and smothers her with kisses** today is full of rich juicy posts!! Love, love, love it!!! a few days ago, i watched the primate of the Anglican Church in Nigeria on TV, from his high and mighty pulpit, he railed and screamed against homosexuality and exhorted all Christians to fight homosexuality with all their strength, he preached against that ‘evil that must never be allowed to take root in Nigeria ever!!’ This is less than a month after a young man was beaten to death for being gay. I felt nothing but disgust and revulsion … I was going to say something nasty about religion and its religitard adherents, but … ***seals lips and takes deep breaths****

    • Pink Panther
      March 30, 07:59 Reply

      ‘he railed and screamed against homosexuality and exhorted all Christians to fight homosexuality with all their strength.’
      With all their STRENGTH, eh?
      And tomorrow, a mob will go out and kill another gay man with all their strength, since the pastors are endorsing them.

    • Colossus
      March 30, 09:11 Reply

      You watched that too? I was watching it and kept thinking what that had to do with the message of easter? Absolutely made no sense. Some clergy men are guilty of inciting violence

      • A-non
        March 30, 12:26 Reply

        And to think fuel scarcity and very power supply in recent times would have been talked about with half the passion.

  5. Delle
    March 30, 08:25 Reply

    Why do u guys keep opening my already healing wounds? It’s hurting. It is. Wonderful poem.
    *blowing snort on PP’s newly starched persian pink shirt*

  6. Mitch
    March 30, 12:46 Reply

    I hope and pray that Akin’s blood fertilizes the zeal and zest with which the Nigerian LGBT fight for their freedom. I hope his death is not in vain.

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