A Handy Flowchart To Make You Know If Your Friend-With-Benefits Is Boyfriend Material

A Handy Flowchart To Make You Know If Your Friend-With-Benefits Is Boyfriend Material

g35Dating apps have revolutionized how gay men hook up. Gone are the days of dark, smokey bars and online chat rooms making small talk with strangers. These days, all it takes is the swipe of a finger to locate your next bedroom conquest, zero feet away (and up!).

But despite the simplicity of modern hooking up, dating apps actually create confusion, particularly when it comes to labeling a relationship. Because what do you call the guy who you’ve been having sex with every weekend for the past month and a half? Is he still just a fuck buddy? Friend With Benefits? BF?

According to a study released by the dating app, Grab Him, 71 percent of gay men say they’ve found long-term love online. So how do you determine if the guy you’ve been casually boning is boyfriend material?

Queerty created this handy flowchart to help you figure it out…Screen-shot-2015-05-19-at-4.05.09-PM

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  1. simba
    May 27, 04:20 Reply

    Hmmm, i ll rather have friends with benefits,and we all know its u get wht u get..

  2. Ace
    May 27, 04:47 Reply

    I keep telling myself “friends with benefit” but sometimes the sex is so good that the thought of him fucking someone else kills you, Speaking from experience. Maybe it is just me but there is a thin line between a good fuck buddy and a “something more relationship”.

    • Francis
      May 27, 06:45 Reply

      @Ace: I’m with you man. The whole fuck buddy thing isn’t for me as I end up catching feelings 🙁

  3. JArch
    May 27, 05:30 Reply

    Ok this flow chart is just hilarious sha

    But it does make (a bit of) sense all things considered

      • Masked Man
        May 27, 06:29 Reply

        It’s overrated and all shades of everything complicated.

      • Max
        May 27, 08:37 Reply

        Do you mind sharing it over a cup of coffee @MM?

      • Masked Man
        May 27, 08:51 Reply

        And orijin too.
        But Pls don’t preach to me.

      • trystham
        May 27, 09:07 Reply

        MM, how does Orijin really taste? I no wan do oju kokoro open my gift pack can

      • Masked Man
        May 27, 09:42 Reply

        Trystham bae, you really have to try it.
        Thank me later.

      • trystham
        May 27, 13:30 Reply

        So MM sweetheart, how do I thank you? With a cutlass or a knife? That shii was a struggle to finish.

      • Masked Man
        May 27, 14:32 Reply

        Oh no Trystham, drop your weapons.
        Hope it wasn’t the bitters you went for.
        Everyone likes the herbal spiced orijin beer (bottled or canned).
        You can ask DM, he can relate.

    • KyrxxX
      May 27, 07:32 Reply

      Relationship sweet die…………. With d right person oh! #TongueOut

    • Samurai
      May 27, 13:19 Reply

      Relationships suck.
      They are complicated.
      They are overrated and so on.
      But in the end, they are worth the whole trouble when you’re in it with the right person.
      And that is all that matters.

      • Masked Man
        May 27, 14:34 Reply

        And the right person taken forever to cum…sorry, come.

  4. Sinnex
    May 27, 06:52 Reply

    Na wa oooo….

    Seems like you want to spoil my eyesight this morning.

    This is so mathematical and I just had to stop following.

    Why don’t you guys just talk about it instead of inferring or assuming.

  5. Lemuel
    May 27, 07:09 Reply

    Fuck buddies. Saving us since 1800. I think it should fall into the category of ‘Friends with Benefits’. Benefit of good sex

  6. Teflondon
    May 27, 08:17 Reply


    • Max
      May 27, 08:37 Reply


      • Lothario
        May 27, 19:10 Reply

        Lmao….. Oh gosh! Max you won’t kill me

    • wondabuoy
      May 31, 12:33 Reply

      All of you guys that don’t believe in love and relationships are the problems with the gay community.

  7. trystham
    May 27, 09:00 Reply

    I thought the questions would help to decide how HE feels about u. Of course I aleady know who is in Friendzone and whom I want to be in ‘Something More’ zone.

  8. olima
    May 27, 13:06 Reply

    I don’t believe it for even a second.

  9. Chuck
    May 27, 15:04 Reply

    Your boyfriend would have let you know he wants to date you. A Friend With Benefits asked for FWB status for a reason. There’s no need to be reading tea leaves. If someone wants you they will let you know.

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