Gambian President claims he can cure AIDS

Gambian President claims he can cure AIDS

The President of Gambia has claimed he can cure AIDS…but only on Mondays and Thursdays.

Yahya Jammeh has ruled the country since 1994 when he was swept to power following a military coup. During his 22-year reign, he has crushed any opposition to his regime and encouraged violence against the LGBT community.

Appearing on national television, the despot claims to be able to cure AIDS and was shown placing his hands on patients at the Royal Victoria Hospital in the country’s capital. These ‘sick’ people were then shown to have made miraculous recoveries.

The president, who also claims that his powers help him to cure asthma, has claimed that homosexuality was “more deadly than all natural disasters put together”, that LGBT people were “vermin” and that homosexuals would “doom the world”.

He claims that he only received his mystic power since becoming the nation’s leader and only has to use seven different herbs mentioned in the Koran.

Most astonishing of all is that the self-declared devout Muslim can only cure AIDS on Mondays and Thursdays.

In a speech, he said: “I am not doing it for money or popularity. For asthma, I have to choose between Saturday and Friday. I am also not authorized to treat more than 100 people. The one on HIV/AIDS cannot be mass-produced because I am restricted to 10 patients only on every Thursday and Monday.”

Next What Do You Think About A Country For Gay People, No Heteros Allowed?

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  1. Dennis Macaulay
    September 15, 06:32 Reply

    Stupidity is a living breathing institution in Africa!

    This is just sad!

    • Pink Panther
      September 15, 06:45 Reply

      My own is, how do some people not know how ridiculous they sound when they say cringe-worthy things like this?

  2. McDuke
    September 15, 06:45 Reply

    Lmao…ok nah…Mr. President, we haff hear. What stuns me though is not the claims but that human beings with brains still believe such tantrums…smh!!!
    But come to think of it, the kind of leaders we have in Africans though!!! Biko, is there hope for us???

  3. Mandy
    September 15, 06:52 Reply

    And then a Western news outlet will pick this up, and you’ll wonder why they condescend to us as backward people. Tufia!

  4. ambivalentone
    September 15, 08:07 Reply

    Shey dese people know AIDS is not HIV o? Because an instant miracle for an AIDS patient and I am so hooked.
    But I like his itinerary o. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays/Saturdays doing the good work of Allah and the rest of the week destroying The Gambia’s economy. Healing no dey ever reach economy side with all these our ‘leaders’

  5. Somebody
    September 15, 08:44 Reply

    All these African presidents always trying to ‘out idiot’ themselves. Right now this one has taken the lead over Mugabe but I don’t expect it to last long.

  6. KryxxX
    September 15, 10:26 Reply

    Meanwhile, a South African minister is trying to introduce witchcraft as a degree into schools. ??????????

    And a caller on radio called it homegrown technology/should be embraced.

    Biko, when is Jesus coming again? ????????

  7. beejay
    September 15, 12:16 Reply

    Great! Just what the doctor ordered; another lunatic, posing as a leader ready to lead his people straight to hell. What irks me most iszat the world’s watching, forming impressions n essentially categorizing us. Welcome to Crazy Africa, continent of the demented!

  8. Dimkpa
    September 15, 16:35 Reply

    If he was a pastor and made the same claims, will some people here not defend it in the name of miracle?

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