‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Jacob Anderson says people think he’s really castrated

‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Jacob Anderson says people think he’s really castrated

Grey Worm, the handsome – but castrated – warrior, is one of the longest surviving warriors on Game of Thrones. But the actor who plays him – 26-year-old Jacob Anderson – says people in real life keep confusing him with his character, and keep assuming he, too, has no balls.

“To me, my careers are completely separate,” Jacob, who is also a singer, told The Daily Star.  “But for some Game Of Thrones fans, it’s too much for them to understand.”

In fact, they get so confused, that they think Grey Worm and Jacob are one and the same.

“Some fans just don’t understand that Grey Worm isn’t a real person,” he says. “People actually ask me if I have genitals in real life. They really think I’ve been castrated. They also ask if the dragons are real.

“It’s a bit weird and alarming actually. I like to keep myself to myself, so it is a bit freaky when you’re stuck on a tube and someone is just staring at you or trying to take a picture of you.”

Season 7 of Game of Thrones, due back this coming spring, is being filmed these days. According to Jacob, he has already finished shooting Grey Worm’s scenes. Could that mean his character was killed off?

“Confidentiality contracts mean I’m not allowed to say anything,” Jacob replies.

Oh well – we’ll just have to wait and see then.

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  1. Mandy
    January 23, 09:09 Reply

    Lol. I’m not surprised. You play a role long enough and people stop telling art from life.

  2. Jide
    January 23, 12:02 Reply

    The way I read his responses, it appears as though he’s not a very warm person, gives one-word replies and stuff.

  3. Drone
    January 23, 14:36 Reply

    Cmon guys he’s castrated. And his character dies too, first episode.

    I checked. ?

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