How Do You Deal With Being A Single Gay Guy?

How Do You Deal With Being A Single Gay Guy?

You know what’s great? A healthy relationship…with yourself. See what we did there?

Yes, pairing off can sometimes be appealing, but getting that foundation of self-love strong and solid is really what it’s all about.

That’s a lesson far easier said than done, though.

Below, guys sound off on how they feel about the nights alone, the meals for one, and that single life in general:whisper1whisper2whisper3whisper4whisper5whisper6whisper7whisper8whisper9whisper10whisper11whisper12whisper13whisper14whisper15whisper16

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  1. DI-NAVY
    May 18, 06:11 Reply

    People with different opinions. The one that caught my attention’s “I’m single because gay men are the worst” How sway

  2. Archer
    May 18, 06:34 Reply

    Mine too. It was Colton Haynes picture self, Lol

  3. Kenny
    May 18, 06:52 Reply

    I’m gay and single, while I wait for love I’ll work on being the very best I can be. The loneliness though ??

  4. bruno
    May 18, 06:53 Reply

    the worst part about being newly single is you have no idea what to do with yourself after being in a relationship for so long. “so how exactly did i use to spend my weekends before i had a boyfriend?”

    i guess that’s why we tend to go into another relationship before too long because let’s face it, being on your own isn’t is attractive as it used to be after you’ve experienced something great with someone else.

    • Jaiice
      May 18, 07:20 Reply

      I totally agree with you on that.

  5. philips
    May 18, 07:45 Reply

    Hmmmmm…..I don’t even know where to start from, I totally miss having a bae, I feel so old without one but I’ll keep painting my nails and combing my weaves till he arrives ??

  6. ambivalentone
    May 18, 07:47 Reply

    Biko, pinky, u put up the site where u get these stuff from one time. What’s the site address pls?

  7. KryxxX
    May 18, 09:35 Reply

    The legs, the cut of the pants and them shoes on the guy in the 15th pix…………………… Fierce!!!!

    As for being a single gay guy, lets just say it could be fun and we also have those days. And the idea of also been stuck with with all shades of guys in various/different state of undress most times………………. **sigh**

  8. Elixir
    May 18, 10:14 Reply

    Hi everyone*waves*. Well am single because am insecure and can’t express my feelings. I feel am nuh good enough for any guy….#complicated much

  9. Delle
    May 18, 11:10 Reply

    I’m gay. Single. Contented but slowly getting fed up. I don’t know how guys (like the ones I read up there) can be single and happy about it for years. I mean, I’m single and not frustrated, but I know I want, scratch that, need a man by my side sometimes. I guess my being single can be attributed to the fact that many guys are only interested in what’s going on with my exterior, no one wants to know about my feelings. It’s sad.

  10. Ramsey
    May 18, 12:19 Reply

    Am gay and single and am so proud of it, I don’t think I can deal with gay relationship bcos some gay men are just so anoying and ewwwww….

  11. Terra
    May 18, 12:32 Reply

    Single because gay guys are the worst. Lord knows that’s how I feel. If you aren’t muscular or stupid rich, or particularly endowed in either area, you are almost always given no quarter online.

    • JustJames
      May 19, 02:26 Reply

      Terra.. Hit me up with your friend code. Mine is 5300_9752_9090.

      • Terra
        May 20, 10:41 Reply

        4527-8093-9926 that’s mine

  12. Max 10
    May 18, 12:40 Reply

    Single life use to be great and fun, I could be totally selfish and do or say whatever I want whenever I wanted. I didn’t have to wake up early to ping anyone or say goodnight to anyone, I wasn’t obliged to do anything and it felt so liberating.

    Looking back, I can’t even believe I enjoyed those things. Now I live for the small talks every now and then, acting like a hoe in front of bae, those good nights and good mornings make my day complete (even if I had a bad day), the “feeling loved” part, because you know there’s someone out there who cares about you more than anything. You feel happiness, real happiness and you feel Safe. Whenever you’re around them they make your light up your world, you just can’t see your life any other way without them. …. Ok gotta stop now.

    The point is, being single is great and all and you should enjoy it if it works for you.

    But I’ve tasted both, and from my rant you can clearly see which I prefer. Relationship is not for everyone, but if you’re lucky enough to find the right person, it’s the most beautiful thing ever.

    • Mandy
      May 18, 15:26 Reply

      Awww how sweet. Max does have someone doing him yori yori thinz.

  13. Simba
    May 18, 13:01 Reply

    Lucky are the ones in a relationship, who them are their partners, know they are dating..

    • Francis
      May 18, 15:08 Reply

      Hmmmm, Dahling is there a story here? ???

  14. BeeJay
    May 18, 13:42 Reply

    I don’t believe being single is a choice, I mean what’s the point in being gay if your just gonna be alone forever. Issue here is that most people have forgotten what GAY truly means: HAPPY. it’s supposed to be your license to joy yet in between the random hookups, cheap, meaningless sex and roleplaying all the joy gets sucked up. Folks need to chill out and simply be gay. Shikenan!

    • Mandy
      May 18, 15:25 Reply

      Lmao. Oh chim. Beejay, the hoe police haven’t read you your rights before, have they?

      • BeeJay
        May 18, 18:34 Reply

        I guess not…sounds exciting tho

  15. Chizzie
    May 18, 17:17 Reply

    My relationships don’t ever last, so these days I just work, eat, and attend coven meetings.

    • Paul
      May 20, 12:52 Reply

      Hahahahah @coven meetings.
      I sure want to attend too.
      I cnt say i have ever been in a relationship.
      Trust me its boring being alone
      U try online,it never works, referals- nothing, your gadar leaves you with just straight men and then you are back to your pillow,vaseline and phone.
      E go better.

  16. Astar
    May 20, 19:41 Reply

    I feel very distracted as single gay man and life was more exciting when I was dating my ex.

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