#HowIResist Campaign 10

#HowIResist Campaign 10

When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they are doing to anybody, but because they are different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode. – Barack Obama



I resist by being human first before any other label. By waking up every day with the understanding that people are different and that diversity is okay. I resist by striving to make everyone around me understands this too. – Walter



Homophobia robs humanity, denies one the right to live his truth even in secret. I resist by being aggressively pro-LGBT, by being unapologetically vocal about the dangers of hate, about the need to live and let live.

I resist by constantly preaching and practising the kind of self-love and acceptance that is untrammeled. – Tobi



I resist by endeavoring to be the best in all I do. This is so that I am standing above my homophobic peers when I tell them to shut up with their rubbish. I strive to make the success in my life a testament of how my sexuality is not the curse the world believes it is, but one of the many reasons I’m blessed. – Queen Blue Fox



I resist by insisting upon my existence. By standing in the light, seen. By saying “Yes, I’m gay” when asked who I am, when the expectation is that I shrink in the face of that question.

I resist by knowing when to slide into the dark, waiting, waiting. I resist by waiting. Waiting for the time when I am fully in charge of my well-being, when I can finally say to mum and dad, “This is who I am”, and then face the world fully, knowing that the last dark corner of my life has seen the beam of light. – Rapum



My sexuality is my spirituality, my humanity, my body, and my health. I resist any attempt to consider me inadequate because I do not fit into the presently common gender and sexual binaries, which are in themselves inadequate, to explain who I am.

I live to thrive amidst the avoidable homo-prejudice and discrimination. – Reuben Silungwe

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