How Would You Honestly Handle Running Into Your Ex With His New Man?
I recently watched this new short film, Something New, which stars Ben Baur (Hunting Season, Something like Summer) as Jonah, a guy who struggles to open up to a new relationship after a bad breakup, with awkward and hilarious results.
There was a scene where he ran into his ex, Scott, who was with the new man he dumped Jonah for. And Jonah was still single, a situation that set the stage for a very disastrous post-breakup encounter with the ex.
Here’s the clip below. Watching that scene made me wonder about meeting exes post-bad breakup. I’ve never had any really bad breakups, but I wonder how it would be if a guy dumped me, and months later, we run into each other and I’m single and he’s with the man he dumped me for, and I’m bitter and he’s happy.
What would you do if this was your story and you were in Jonah’s shoes?
You can see the full 16-minute short film HERE.
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Canis VY Majoris
May 29, 10:07That was quite enjoyable.
So you can find a bfs on Grindr. Hmmm?
May 29, 13:09I could tell you that I’d go, “Oh my God! Fuck! Don’t . . . say a word.”
But in actuality, I’d just stand there staring at him; only that tears wouldn’t let my stare rest perfectly.
May 29, 14:13Indifferent.
King Oberon
May 29, 16:13Well, personally there’s no way I’ll still be hung up on a guy that dumped me after a month tops, but a year???? Seriously, there has to be something fundamentally fucked up with someone’s self esteem to be that emotionally dependent on another human being.
I won’t even care enough to be bitter about it if we ran into each other, and I won’t even engage you for starters.
May 30, 04:13I don’t think it has anything to do with self esteem.
When you love, you love and sometimes it takes a while to recover.
May 30, 12:51Preach!