In A Heartbeat

In A Heartbeat

Ah, young love! Is there anything more exciting ― or potentially torturous?

“That’s the question a new animated short film asks while beautifully depicting the angst and trepidation that can blossom right alongside a budding infatuation ― especially for LGBTQ people,” writes Huff Po.

Here’s the heart-tugging story of a closeted boy who runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

In A Heartbeat, by Beth David and Esteban Bravo, tells the story of Sherwin, an awkward, young teen, whose heart literally pops out of his chest and chases after his classmate Jonathan. Sherwin is then forced to chase down his heart before it reveals how he feels to his crush.

David and Bravo, who made the film at Ringling College of Art, completed the project thanks to a Kickstarter campaign that generated over $14,000.

“This film means a lot to us, and it touches on emotions that we hope will resonate with people from all different backgrounds,” they told Teen Vogue. “We are so grateful for all the support and enthusiasm we’ve received over the past few months; we started this project more than a year and a half ago and we’ve been waiting for this moment as much as everyone else has.”

Watch below:

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  1. Delle
    August 02, 09:03 Reply

    I like how unperturbed Hollywood seems with the consistency in LGBT representation despite all the talks.

    *jots down name of movie*

    • IBK
      August 02, 10:49 Reply

      It’s not a movie.. It’s an animated short.

  2. Richard Moore
    August 05, 23:56 Reply

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched this. So fucking adorable.

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