Now Men Everywhere Are Pretending To Get Intimate With Adam Levine, Thanks To Joe Jonas

Now Men Everywhere Are Pretending To Get Intimate With Adam Levine, Thanks To Joe Jonas

Adam Levine was rated People’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2013, and he hasn’t gotten any less hot in the three years since.

So it’s no wonder that guys everywhere are jumping at the opportunity to get intimate with his advertisement for the Proactiv skin care line.

Somewhere, someone is either getting a raise or fired for this.

Joe Jonas may not have been the first one to the party, but he’s certainly the most famous. Here’s the shot that brought the trend to our attention:Screenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_50_52 AMBut there are many more entries to enjoy:Screenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_51_48 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_52_31 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_55_31 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_53_07 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_55_09 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_53_37 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_54_45 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_54_21 AMScreenshot - 5_27_2015 , 5_54_00 AM

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  1. Masked Man
    May 28, 06:08 Reply

    Joe Jonas. Very handsome. I wouldn’t mind a night of worship with him in my chamber.

  2. Mercury
    May 28, 06:35 Reply

    Number 4 and 5 are the most realistic shots to me.

  3. trystham
    May 28, 07:40 Reply

    LOOL. It looked so much like their dicks were at LeVine’s mouth. All the photographers are crazy

  4. Max
    May 28, 07:47 Reply

    Ahaa.. I knew this would end up here…

  5. kacee
    May 28, 09:39 Reply

    Mhen this pictures are so funny, some of these guys seem to enjoy the BJ given by Adam #hmmmmmm *mouthing “love u Joe jonas”

  6. Ace
    May 28, 11:53 Reply

    An epic win ad for me! Lol!

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