He is a barber at Ikotun and operates in the Ikotun/Igando area of Lagos
His phone numbers are 08147948916 and 0816 236 3768
His name is Larry, but he currently goes by the name Alex William Williams Smith on Facebook, even though he has been known to change his Facebook name often. (Click HERE to check out his profile)
May 07, 06:55By now, you’d have to be a newcomer to the Lagos gay scene not to know that Ikotun is where you don’t go to see a hookup. No matter how genuine he sounds. Heck, the actual gay guys who stay in these red zones don’t tell hookups that they live there, because.
May 07, 16:21Is it just me or these kito guys are always ugly?
May 07, 20:43I like rough necks but this one Na gutter,ugly in every way…tufiawa
WHEN FRIENDS ARE ENEMIES (A Kito Story) | KitoDiaries
August 19, 07:24[…] admit that I am a homosexual before the camera. (Among them was this guy, Alex William Smith, whose kito alert I saw on the kito alert […]