They work as a gang, operating in the environs of Zaira, Kaduna, Abuja and Kano.

Their targets are usually – but not restricted to – non indigenes of the North, who they can intimidate with threat of exposure. They’re apparently gay and use the M.O. of meeting you for a hookup and then harassing you, with the others rushing into your rendezvous as backup, until they’ve extorted what they want from you.

The first one is named Auwalu Abubakar Isa, but on Facebook, goes by the name Naufal Galadima. His numbers are 09025407373 and 09015260614.

The second is named Mahmud Hamisu Galadima, and goes by the same name on Facebook, with an instagram handle of @mahmud_hamisu_galadima. His numbers are 09077776262 and 07088299427.

There’s not much information on the third other than that he goes by “Sadeeq” on Badoo and “El Serdeq” on Grindr.


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  1. David A.
    May 31, 05:01 Reply

    Did you all notice that the first 2 people are the same? He just used a filter to make himself look lighter. Chai

    • Mandy
      May 31, 07:38 Reply

      If you mean Naufal Galadima and Sadeeq, then that’s not true. They are two different people. Even without meeting them and judging by these pics, you can tell that they are not the same person.

      • David A.
        June 02, 22:42 Reply

        @mandy. I am speaking about the Auwalu and the Mahmud. They are one and the same person with the first being a filter that makes people fair. It’s very clear.

        • Ardent Reader.
          June 04, 05:04 Reply

          Dear David,
          I’m making my very first comment on KD for you and unfortunately its to tell you to buy a very good frame,then go to Tinubu Market in Lagos Island,u shall see those roadside medicated eye glass sellers,give them small money and get your eyes some lenses to see well cos obviously your sight is very bad!

  2. Lopez
    May 31, 05:18 Reply

    I’ve met all of them on badoo, Naufal insulted me for refusing to meet physically. These boys operate all over the north, the safest bet is to stay away from anything young(teens and early twenties), barely educated and willing to go anywhere for a hookup. This is only a fraction of them. Seriously one should get a gun in this godanm country that the law cannot protect its citizens.

    • Pink Panther
      May 31, 05:52 Reply

      the safest bet is to stay away from anything young(teens and early twenties), barely educated and willing to go anywhere for a hookup.”


  3. Tenzian
    May 31, 07:34 Reply

    Chai… d first one na my type o….. ????

    • mike
      May 31, 15:10 Reply

      Na today, sadeeq in kid in the military shirt, is doing funny things to my brain. Too bad.

  4. Mitch
    May 31, 07:38 Reply

    And they’re all so young!
    Hei Ghod!

    No be to find better lagoon throway these mofos inside?
    Haba haba!

    • Milton
      May 31, 08:32 Reply

      I doubt a Lagoon would have them. It’s too calm… the Indian Ocean should suffice sha.

  5. Jay
    May 31, 08:16 Reply

    These guys are not even attractive to start with. Guys lets be careful out there.

  6. Milton
    May 31, 08:29 Reply

    This was the same guys I had a chat with on Badoo a few months back. Naufal (who gave his number as +2349074731520) said he is in Bauchi, El-sadeeq said he is in Kaduna. Since I am in Jos, I told them we couldn’t meet up as I wasn’t in the mood to host and I don’t like travelling. El Sadeeq insulted and blocked me. At least, Naufal was a bit patient. Even chatted me up on WhatsApp. Bitch was playing a long con I guess. Damn, I wonder what would have happened.

    • Danté
      September 14, 08:55 Reply

      In Jos???👀… I thought there was only like two of us here 😃

  7. Posh666
    May 31, 09:07 Reply

    That same Galadima guy is the same boy that kitoed that boy whose story was posted here last month I think yet some people still managed to fall for into his trap..

    The Galadima and that Naufal boy are couples and rumor has it they are actually married. On a normal day you can stumble upon them at shoprite Kano.. They are all kano indigenes. If you are based in kano except its someone middle aged who you are sure its his pictures and has something good going for him and with a good career you guys need to get off Manjam,Grindr and badoo….

    They are a big network and they use different profiles of fine boys so if you don’t fall into the trap of one then you fall into that of another.. Don’t get carried away with picture of a big cock cos like its generally known in town the Galadima boy has a nice dick….

    Bottom line if you are in kano try by all means to only hookup with someone based on recommendation. These boys are desperate, illiterates, most likely diseased and heartless. They have nothing to loose.

  8. Lopez
    May 31, 09:35 Reply

    Posh you seem to know these guys very well but you guys refuse to do anything about them. Trap one of them, give him the beating of his life, let him have a story to tell the others. These boys are real nuisance to the community, words went round they bill 600k from someone in Abuja recently. Please, get all the people in that Kano that can act and teach these boys a lesson.

    • Posh666
      May 31, 12:59 Reply

      Lopez trust me these boys have been beaten,jailed and some occasions barely escaped with their life but they don’t desist.. Especially the very dark ugly one called Galadima.

      I’m sure he himself can’t count the amount of times he has been jailed or thrown into police cell.

      They have nothing they are living for and are ready to destroy anyone on their path…. I have never had any personal encounter with them before and they won’t even dare me and my clique of friends because we are indigenes of the state just like they are and they themselves know that where ones craze finish that’s where another’s own begins…

      We can’t fight everyone’s battle for them and can’t go around trying to rescue people who often times put themselves into the terrible situation due to konji and lack of sense.

      Bottom line people upgrade your standards because when you come across such boys,through your chat with them,their looks and grammar, you will sense exactly who they are.

      • CHUCK
        May 31, 14:26 Reply

        Hi Posh can I get your contact please

  9. Máçnúèl
    May 31, 10:31 Reply

    See ugliest in 3D but wait ooo who calls dis kind of persons for hookup

  10. Delle
    May 31, 11:00 Reply

    I’ll rather join the monastery than allow the shadow of any of these three guys come close to me.

    That second one, so he gets laid!!? Olodumare o

    • J
      May 31, 14:38 Reply

      Obviously because he’s dark I guess right? But they say he has a nice cock. Is it a crime to be dark and maybe not so good-looking? I understand that this person is a criminal, but please not everyone is genetically privileged to fit into your idea of beauty and handsomeness.

  11. Kvng
    May 31, 13:26 Reply

    I just think its best to abstain from online hookups. As for me, am to paranoid to even meet online, the moment u say let’s meet or ask for my number online, that’s a big turn off for me. I only meet with frnd’s friends and looking back now i realized i ave saved myself from a lot of kito experience cos most of these guys have msged me either on Facebook or grindr and i was never even aware of kitos at that time. Mehn, thank God o.
    Let them send a pic first then do vid call for confirmation, vid call has helped to reveal secrets. If the pic does not tally with the person or the person hides in the shadow, then that’s a red flag.
    No matter how cute a pic is, pls guys pay attention to even the slightest details cos they count, no matter how good they are, they surely slip up one time or another.

  12. Rex
    May 31, 23:06 Reply

    That idiot looks like a nightmare and still someone risk his precious like to hook up with such scumbag….. Eww! For the love of me.

  13. Victor
    June 03, 13:54 Reply

    They’re all very ugly and unattractive and anyone that cares to hook up with them has no level at all.

    • J
      June 03, 20:32 Reply

      Please stop calling people ugly, you can’t make a single hair! ?

      Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I bet you, to someone, you could be the most ugliest and unattractive creature on the planet. And sometimes looks can be deceptive, some people are looking for a positive and good personality not necessarily a powdered face with lots of attitude and negativity. Forget about the looks get to know people before you start condemning them.Talking about level, It’s people like you who make others to paint images of what they are not… They live fake lives to make you believe they have levels.

      I know the type of bullying that is going on in the LGBTQI community and some of these social media platforms. Most people are very superficial and they tend to break the spirit of others. Lots of these boys become criminals because of the disease they have been infected with, the rejection and bullying they have been experiencing and they give back hard in ten folds to the community- because they assume everyone is fake.

      • Victor
        June 04, 20:42 Reply

        I don’t blame you @j you could be one of these set up guys, afterall who knows who is who, we are all entitled to our own opinion and you don’t have to display your stupidity in the open, who cares about what you think, keep it to yourself and stop making yourself relevant whereas you are very irrelevant, come to think of it, why am I wasting my time on you, you could be a psycho.

        • J
          June 04, 21:37 Reply

          You are the psycho here ? Relevant people don’t call others ugly. We frown at the bad behavior not the face Mr Handsome and attractiveness ?

  14. Leks
    June 06, 10:24 Reply

    But in truth I still struggle with those who could find these guys are appealing let alone allowing themselves bullied and extorted by them.

  15. Alheri
    September 13, 00:00 Reply

    I’ve met the sadeeq once in a joint, and I immediately noticed that he is up to something, I quickly told him that I will be leaving and will call him later. He insisted that we go somewhere and have sex. I insisted that I’ll call him. That’s how I escaped him. He later keep on begging that we should meet, he begged me for more than a year and I refused.

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