Kito Diaries Is Now On Instagram

Kito Diaries Is Now On Instagram

So yes, Kito Diaries is on the Gram, with the handle @kito_diaries. This information is for those who might be interested in following up on the site’s alternative photo-blogging.

Someone commented that even in your gay relationships, you aren't guaranteed happiness. But here's the thing: YOU HAVE A SHOT AT HAPPINESS IF YOU MARRY WHO YOU LOVE. It might look like the lesser evil to just bend. But it isn't. They will not leave you alone. Nobody ever leaves you (us) alone. They will want more and more and more from you with their misguided affection and you will probably give and give till you are drained. See ehn, not bending to societal pressure for many people takes a lot of will and bravery, and there will be a lot of times when you won't be happy and Egypt will look better than your freedom. Will it be worth it? I don't know. But I have a feeling that one day you'd look back at it all and realise that the answer is yes. #Relationship #Life #Gaymen #GayPride #Happiness #Love #SameLove

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Another #Kdian found his purpose through a tragic loss. Through the loss of a friend, he found some meaning in life. The following are his words: "Life has a beautiful way of throwing people in your way, and although they may not become part of your inner cycle, they would always be in your peripheral vision. They will be there, gently swaying in the background, just being there, awesome, steadfast, a rock. "Kessy was one of such people for me… Kessy was fleeky. He was smart. He was beautiful. Kessy was happy. He built this balloon, filled it with happiness and lived in it. He had an unending supply of joy that was not hinged on anything or anyone; he had the ability to effortlessly create happiness from the most mundane of things and lived in a constant cocoon of joy. He attached a tint of silliness to the world and would often laugh at the impossible… He had this ability to sit still, and wait… "Late last year, news filtered out that Kessy had disappeared. The stories were not quite clear as to how the incident occurred, so we waited for a few days and hoped. Then it turned to weeks and months, with no word from him. Now it seems like he just disappeared into thin air. "Every time I think of him now, I imagine unfinished foods and unuttered sentences, the wishes and dreams and hopes that may never be achieved. I think of unmade beds and that funny picture on Facebook where he is lounging on a beach chair with his hands above his head, hairy armpit exposed… "I am reminded that the world is fleeting and that as cliché as that sounds, that actually at some point, what we would have would be dusts of yesterday’s memories and that those would be gone someday too. "I am reminded to invest in our corporate humanity. To live our truth and to live fully, with no apologies or regrets. I am made aware that my happiness is my responsibility and that while it may not be our fault, while we can't help that the world hates us, if we do not love ourselves, then it is our fault… "Even as we hope and pray, Kessy, this is for you." #Friendship #Life #Love #Live #Gay #GayPride #KitoDiaries

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A word from #KDian Dennis Macaulay to Nigerian gay men: "In an ideal situation, if you hit on a man who is not gay, he'll politely turn you down and move on, no hard feelings… But sadly, this is not utopia where all things are perfect, as they ought to be. WE ARE IN ONE OF THE MOST HOMOPHOBIC COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD! And such foolishness get people killed… Every time I read these heart-wrenching kito stories, I try as much as possible not to victim-blame. But the truth is that a vast majority (I stand to be corrected anyway) of these stories would be avoided if people use their heads for just a minute and do the proper thing. "We are in a very dangerous clime, my brothers and sisters, and we have to be smart. This does not include engaging in dangerously irresponsible behaviour. Please, please, I beg you guys, let’s all be safe and do the proper thing." #NigerianLGBT #Nigeria #Gaymen #Safety #Wisdom #Caution #StopHomophobia

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  1. Johnny
    February 11, 18:00 Reply

    Who are the late party comers?
    I sha dey follow but you no follow back. PP well-done with your People I Know stuff.

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