Apparently Ivanka Trump is a ‘radical homosexual activist’

Apparently Ivanka Trump is a ‘radical homosexual activist’

Apparently Ivanka Trump is a “radical homosexual activist”.

The assertion comes after the White House confirmed a 2014 order signed by President Obama protecting employees of federal contractors from anti-LGBT discrimination would remain in place, despite a reported push from senior Trump advisers to axe it.

It has since been alleged that the First Family were integral in convincing President Trump not to sign an anti-LGBT order or axe the protections, with Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner said to have convinced the President to ignore his strategists on the issue.

However, in a release, the American Family Association blamed “radical homosexual activists” for nuking the plan.

The group’s President Tim Wildmon wrote: “Liberals and homosexual activists are advancing their radical agenda by attempting to torpedo President Donald Trump’s executive order.

“After the executive order was leaked, radical activists demanded that the White House keep in place the policy implemented by President Obama’s executive order. The Obama policy bans federal contractors from funding if they refuse to change their non-discrimination policies to include homosexuals and ‘transgender’ persons.

“If Christians remain silent and do not let President Trump know they stand with him on religious liberty, then the only voices he will hear are those of radical homosexual activists.”

Well-known “radical homosexual activists” like… Ivanka Trump?

The alleged intervention on the order is not the only indication that the First Daughter will play a powerful role in her father’s administration.

As competing factions within the Trump administration jockey for control of the Presidency, her husband Jared Kusher – officially a Senior Advisor to the President – is reported to have a large influence on his policies.

Insiders report an ongoing power struggle in the Trump administration – with Kushner, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Vice President Mike Pence battling for control over the President.

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  1. y
    February 11, 10:28 Reply

    Here’s your cookie Ivanka.

  2. Mr. Fingers
    February 11, 14:43 Reply

    This lie so folks can buy her shoes? Nne shift one corner biko.

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