Lesbian turns the tables on Straight Man who slid into her DM for Sex

Lesbian turns the tables on Straight Man who slid into her DM for Sex

So, a KDian sent me the most hilarious exchange she had with someone who slid into her DM with the intention of getting her to have sex with him.

“You don’t want to fuck me?” was his way to expressing his entitlement to her vagina.

And when she turned him down by admitting that she is a lesbian, he followed up with: “What’s the gain…when dick is sweet?”

And instead of hitting the block button on him, she decided to have some fun at his expense.

And boy, what fun it was.

“I’m not gay! I fuck pussy!” ??

Every time I get to that point where the Mister doth protest too much, I always break out into laughter.

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  1. Niamh
    October 11, 09:54 Reply

    Lmaooo. Thumbs up to the lady for keeping the convo and flipping the page. ??????

  2. Tman
    October 11, 12:40 Reply

    Lol. This is really funny. Oga had to vehemently aver his sexuality severally. He never see anything. But this lady self ehn, no chills. ?

  3. J
    October 12, 12:30 Reply

    He’s rude. A complete turn off. No gentleman would talk to a lady like that. She’s right, you can only know it’s sweet if you have tasted it before. The lady is hilarious ? So some men expect every woman to dance at the mention of penis

  4. Mike
    October 13, 14:50 Reply

    She should have helped him complete it.

    “You are not gay cause you fuck pussy”
    “But another man fucks your ass, nice”.

    How many times have I used that convincing line.

    “You are not gay cause you love women, it’s not like you like me, I am the one doing all the work, just lay there, you are only gay if you love a man”.

    I was a teenager back then duo, hardly identified as gay myself. All this long convincing chats/chase ended the day I aggreed I be home.

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