Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 14)

Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 14)


From the chapter, ‘To Anyone Being Hated, Be Strong’, BM says:

“[My sexuality] is between me and God … I believe that in my religiousness, God understands and knows me so there’s no need for me to pretend.”


The much I have to say on this has already been said in Lesson 3. The ability for one to be believing and gay is a journey of self. The reconciliation is between him and his God. His creation as a gay man wasn’t hinged on a consultation between his Creator and the horde of judgmental religious people on earth. Modern day Christianity ends up running people out of churches simply because of this entitlement that believers have over the Christian faith by virtue of their heterosexuality.

And yet, there is no recorded moment when Jesus Christ, He who is the forbearer of the Christian faith, when He made any condemnations of gay people. He pointed out a lot of categories of people who would not make it to Heaven, but never once said: Thou shalt not come before my Father until thou hast washed away thy sins of homosexuality.

Written by Pink Panther

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