#LiveLoveAfrica: There’s Another Side To The Story Of Africa And Homosexuality

#LiveLoveAfrica: There’s Another Side To The Story Of Africa And Homosexuality

So, as an activist, zealously working to promote the rights of the LGBT, Kenny Badmus and his team at isanyoneinafrica.com have been talking to some straight men and women who are tolerant of gay folks in Nigeria. And these homemade videos are some of the outcomes of those conversations.

The aim of these conversations is to educate and debunk the claim that all Africans are homophobes. Below are four short videos that show the tolerant Africans telling their own sides of the story.

Check on it and let us know what you think.

Ade Bantu On #LiveLoveAfrica

The Story Of Dan Daodu

The Story Of Shwaibu

The Story Of My Two Gay Friends

Previous MOVIE REVIEW: My Underwhelming Experience With ‘Fantastic Four’
Next When Onyx Godwin Introduced The Gay Talk On Ali Baba's Timeline

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  1. wiffey
    August 25, 06:16 Reply

    *Grabbing my pop corn* No noise please

  2. Mandy
    August 25, 06:28 Reply

    Love more.
    Hate less.
    Homosexuality isn’t what is unAfrican. Hate is.

  3. sage
    August 25, 08:32 Reply

    At least there is hope of light being at the end of the tunnel …..*fans myself*

  4. Jason
    August 26, 00:13 Reply

    This was so touching, especially the last two videos. I love the fact that activists such as Kenny Badmus and many others from my own country is doing all they can to bring stories of African gay people so as to make people understand that being is not Unafrican.

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