Magic Mike XXL All Set To Lap-Dance Its Way Back To Theaters

Magic Mike XXL All Set To Lap-Dance Its Way Back To Theaters

It’s no ab-scam: The Magic Mike guys are back, and in the new Magic Mike XXL trailer — which you can watch below — it’s clear that stars Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer have been working on their moves.

In this first glimpse of the movie (which is due out July 1), Tatum’s titular stripper can be seen working in an industrial garage. But when we hear the familiar, thumping strains of Ginuwine’s “Pony,” he goes from welding to wilding out, busting out a slew of pop-and-lock moves. We then get quick glimpses of the Magic men at work, surrounded by flying bills and grinding girls.

There’s also barely a clue about a plot, and those connected to the project have remained relatively mum up to this point, although director-producer Gregory Jacobs does let a few things slip out. “It’s a road-trip picture. Mike and the guys get back together, and adventure ensues,” Jacobs tells PEOPLE, adding with a laugh: “They look incredible … Their shirts are off an appropriate amount, let’s put it that way! I don’t think anyone’s going to be disappointed.”

magic-mike-435x580Matthew McConaughey is out this time around, but that’s all right (all right, all right) because PEOPLE’s reigning Hottest Bachelor Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Tatum (obviously) and other fan favorites return for the reboot.

Joining the original cast members is a slew of new blood – including Jada Pinkett Smith, Amber Heard, Michael Strahan and Elizabeth Banks – but Jacobs says fans will have to wait to see the film to find out what roles they play. “They’re part of who these guys meet along the way, and the reveal of that is really fun,” he says.

So what can moviegoers expect come July 4th weekend – aside from slicked up, synchronized half-naked man-dancing, that is?

“It’s dramatic and emotional but not as dark [as the first film],” Jacobs says. “It’s such a great group of people. We had a blast making it. I hope that comes across on screen.”

Check out the trailer below.


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  1. Absalom
    February 05, 04:17 Reply

    I don’t really like the trailer, but I can’t wait for the film, though.

  2. Dennis Macauley
    February 05, 04:45 Reply

    Well lets see what tje movie is like, cos this trailer failed to stir my interest.

    Having said that, Channing Tatum? *sigh*

    • Absalom
      February 05, 05:08 Reply

      Dennis? Are we going to have a problem?

      • Dennis Macauley
        February 05, 05:19 Reply

        Problem? Nooooo! Gee! He is all yours bae

        ****stares lovingly at a photo of Dammy Krane****

      • Mercury
        February 05, 07:41 Reply

        I see you like em well rounded, I like dammy too.

  3. chestnut
    February 05, 05:55 Reply

    So, Joe something-nello( I can’t spell dat his name biko) is gonna be bumping and grinding and popping booty with all that gray in his beards? Ok. (Sofia,u need to come get ur man!)
    I’m here for Channing Tatum though *sigh*…that man is sweet enough to lick from head to toe, and inbetween his toes…#OkBye!
    SN: I can’t wait to see all the faces of the guys that will buy ticket and watch this movie at silverbird cinema,when it comes out!

    • A-non
      February 05, 06:23 Reply

      @Chestnut, that is if silverbird or any of the other Nigerian cinema operators agree to showcase it.

      Also on the look out on whether or not they decide to show fifty shades of grey.

      Remember Nigeria’s film and video censors board needs to vet it before it can show and those guys are as hypocritical as hypocrisy itself in my books.

    • Samurai
      February 05, 06:32 Reply

      I thought Channing was Absalom’s?
      Absie, where art thou?

      • Absalom
        February 05, 06:39 Reply

        Over here! Tying Chestnut up. Gimme a hand!

      • chestnut
        February 05, 06:40 Reply

        @samurai: Absalom’s keh? Was everybody not here when I said I would crawl on my hands and knees from here to Ouagadougou and back for Channing?who else has shown that kind of dedication? Nobody should annoy me dis morning pls,I beg all of u! Nonsense!

      • Dennis Macauley
        February 05, 06:50 Reply

        Chai! Chestnut! Im laffing like a hyena! But I agree with you! Your dedication is very well rounded and balanced. Absie, over to you, what will you do for channing?

    • Mercury
      February 05, 07:43 Reply

      Lol…..youre such a mess, before nkor why won’t they buy tickets, hello who knows if they might wanna go learn some moves….your nasty mind tho, you think say na every body wan go salivate on top C.T.

  4. Masked Man
    February 05, 06:17 Reply

    Since 22 Jump Street, Channing Tatum has….my….

    • chestnut
      February 05, 06:44 Reply

      Has ur what,ehn? Has ur what? I dare u to complete that statement; that is when u will see the other side of me! Nonsense!

  5. KryxxX
    February 05, 06:29 Reply

    Waiting for my pound of flesh……….

  6. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    February 05, 06:35 Reply

    Magic Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I loved the first installment and I am positive this is going to be an awesome sequel.

    Anything is great with Mr. Tatum!

  7. Delps
    February 05, 07:39 Reply

    The trailer was bland. Guess they were not trying to give away too much.

  8. Masked Man
    February 05, 08:08 Reply

    Chestie, I dare you, let’s sparr for Tatum. Winner takes all.
    Sparring with just briefs on.

    • chestnut
      February 05, 09:18 Reply

      Masked man! Masked man!! Masked man!!! How many times did I call u? I hope the gods are not trying to punish u by sending u into my trap… You have been warned o!

  9. Masked Man
    February 05, 08:17 Reply

    If I no beat Hollywood comot for your head ehn, na small go remain. Shiur!
    If you like, crawl on your knees to Atacama.

  10. Max
    February 05, 08:34 Reply

    Wheres my Matt hottie Bomer..?

  11. DeadlyDarius
    February 05, 08:53 Reply

    Haven’t watched the movie. Or 21 (& 22 Jump Street). Also I’m not into Channing Tatum.

    Should I drop my gay membership card at the door or just burn it

  12. Peak
    February 05, 09:42 Reply

    If you want it, let’s do it
    Ride it, my pony
    My saddle is waiting
    Come and jump on it.

    Pony was the shit back in the day! I Was really young back then and me and my sisters use to the the “butterfly dance to it”

    Rihanna did a remake on her last album (Unapologetic) its one of my workout songs.

    The whole magic mike thing is a snooze fest to me, so I can’t say I’m looking forwrd to it. I will wait 4 chocolate city ( the one beckford and co is doing).

    • Max
      February 05, 13:28 Reply

      Ummmmm, am I the only one who seem to notice ur raunchy comments lately? You’ve moved over to the dark side..**sobs**

      Where are all these pastors when I need then.. T.B.J anyone?

    • Peak
      February 05, 14:20 Reply

      MaXXXie dear, just cos I arrived at the party late doesn’t mean I was busy else where getting a “saint” certification.
      Lol I’ve always been a bad boy waiting to happen, I just can’t get around to letting loose completely

    • Lothario
      February 05, 18:07 Reply

      Pony is a jam of life… jokes!

  13. Chizzie
    February 05, 11:56 Reply

    speaking of Ginuwines’ Pony that song is the ultimate power bottom anthem, how a “straight” man compares himself to a pony,saddled and begging to be taken for a ride, w/o raising a few eye brows amazes me.

    • Mercury
      February 05, 19:46 Reply

      Hahahahhahahajaajahaa, chizzie ooooooo, you’re such a mess, I swear.

  14. Lothario
    February 05, 18:03 Reply

    Goody….can’t wait! Not expecting any mental stimulation, but it will be fun for sure

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