24 Reasons Why The Magic Mike XXL Guys Are A Blessing From Heaven
Ahead of the July 1 release of Magic Mike XXL, Warner Bros. has unleashed a massive batch of promo photos featuring all your favorite fake male strippers and some you haven’t even met yet.
Here are some of the good ones (aka the ones with exposed nipples, shoulders or winning smiles), but you can find the rest here.Don’t you just want to be the one Channing Tatum is grinding up against like that? 😀
June 23, 05:21Nna eh…
June 23, 05:42Aww, ‘lookie Childish Gambino.. 🙂
Cute. Cute.
June 23, 06:18Ah Channing…my sweet, sweet channing. In my next life,I wanne be ur favourite pair of jeans…*floats away dreamily*
June 23, 14:08Chai!!!!!, your own bad ooooo
June 23, 06:24Matt Bomer! *sighs*
June 23, 06:27Stupid film…would go for all parts of American Pie again than to watch such this film. The first part was horrible.
June 23, 06:27My love matty, ooooooh oo oo*whispering to pp who’s that hot black guy with the black hat*
June 23, 06:47*raised brow*
He’s Gambino. Childish Gambino.
June 23, 07:00Looks like a behind the scene glance of a gay gang bang flick
Queen Blue Fox
June 23, 07:02I’m almost certain the directors of this movie woke up one morning and were like, “hey let’s give our viewers a hardon, yes throw in a lot of shirtless studs oh and yes make sure they are very sexy* #drops mic n keeps walking with words see no evil, think no evil repeating itself in my head#
June 23, 07:52Hahahahahahaa!!! And yet you have peeked enough to know that the directors threw a bunch of shirtless studs together to make a film? My dear, you have seen and thought plenty evil.
Queen Blue Fox
June 23, 09:50My curiosity got the better of me lol
Virgin Morgana
June 23, 07:39Jarch, where art thou? Your recipe is served sire. *Twerks to the door post*
June 23, 07:56At first it was ‘Virgin Jane’ now it is ‘Virgin Morgana’, I wonder who the latest Virgin would be…maybe ‘Virgin Yetunde’ or ‘Virgin Temilade’.
Anyway, lemme continue sipping my tea while waiting for a certain somebody to reblog this post.
June 23, 22:25Lol
virgin Morgana
June 24, 05:06I have got no duplicate. @Sinnex love. Don’t choke on the tea o.
June 23, 10:18Morgana you have no idea how happy i am this morning with this post
I think am carrying Matt Bomer’s twins already *pats baby bump*
June 23, 07:42Francis, you’ve seen Chocolate City? It was bad?
June 23, 07:50LMAO! Don’t listen to him. If it didn’t make any money, no studio will listen to him.
June 23, 09:32Honestly, I never got the point of this movie. If I wanted to ogle cakes and cucumbers, I could bloody well do that. However, do not expect me to waste my time watching this piece of poorly made up crap. When I want a movie, I wanna see something real, fictional, sci-fi, anything! Not some crazy ass, half naked men who’ll serve nothing better than getting me all riled up for nothing.
June 23, 09:33My oh my, Mitch sure doesn’t have any thirst at all, guys.
June 23, 09:34Thank you!
June 23, 10:16Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Joe Manganiello magnificent ass grabbing of that lucky guy in the first pic…. Lawd have mercy *faints*
Matt Bomer just got me preggers with those gorgeous eyes of his.
June 23, 10:57Seriousness
June 23, 19:37Damn!!!
June 25, 08:10*bored and unimpressed*