Man Crush Monday: Ryan Gentles

Man Crush Monday: Ryan Gentles

Ryan Gentles 04Queer Mike woke me up by 2am in the morning to tell me about this hot Jamaican model. He had finally found his man crush, and I had to be informed of this as soon as possible. So, sleepy-eyed, I went to Google to find out the level of hotness this person had that warranted me losing my sleep.

I clicked search, and – that body, those locs (Oh my!) – Ryan Gentles has it going on! His sweat-drippin’-all-over-my-body pictures had me clutching at my heart and struggling to stay faithful in my thoughts to Idris Elba, Tyson Beckford and David McIntosh.

When I asked Queer Mike about his crush on Ryan Gentles, he said: ‘I saw him first in Madea’s Family Reunion. (That Tyler Perry and delicious black men though) He played a minor role, just made an appearance really. Then he played another minor role in Tyler Perry’s stage drama, What’s Done In The Dark. Mehn, the things I want to do to him in the dark ehn. The dude is a walking statue of a Greek god sculpted with chocolate.’

Well, ladies, hoes and gentlemen, below are more pictures of Ryan Gentles. Remember, he’s off limits.Ryan Gentles 01Ryan Gentles 05Ryan Gentles 03Ryan Gentles 02Ryan Gentles 07

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Tyson Beckford, next time, could you turn slowly around to face the camera?

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  1. Raj
    July 06, 04:17 Reply

    Struggled with my pants… Kept having boner.

  2. Mandy
    July 06, 04:21 Reply

    All these men who are incredibly sexy and not gay should be sued, I swear.

  3. Ace
    July 06, 04:48 Reply

    Isn’t he the guy from JHUD’s “spotlight” video? Tyler Perry keeps scouting hot men like he has a directory of delicious black eye candy in his wallet (makes me believe one episode of boondocks). Hot man by the way.

    P.S: Pinky, I thought we’d established the fact that David is mine? Hmmmm… Maka that pepper water oh.

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 06, 06:58 Reply

      Mechionu, Ace. Whenever did we establish that fact? becos I was sitting by, watching you and your antics? Mscheewwww

      • Ace
        July 06, 10:17 Reply

        Hahaha… Side chicks don dey get liver these days. *Orders pepper spray, acid, body extraction service*

  4. Max
    July 06, 05:18 Reply

    You can have him all to yourself honey. He’s not really my type.
    Pinky will show ya’ll my bae soon enough..

  5. Teflondon
    July 06, 05:19 Reply

    That first pic of him in white blouse.. Oh he really does look like a Greek god.

    Hot man no doubt!
    Pinky bring something here for Twink lovers Pls all these old albiet sexy men you keep bringing. Hain! I’ll pass. Bring something here to fan those that play tops fantasies too.. Most of the pix you bring here are always you and your ‘association of bottoms’ fantasies.

    • Masked Man
      July 06, 06:46 Reply

      Association of bottoms fantasies.

      Dude are you really this plain dumb?

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 06, 07:00 Reply

      Teflondon dear, I bring up whatever man crush KDians give me. So when the twink lovers are ready, I’m waiting.

    July 06, 06:48 Reply

    I fail to be distracted dis monday monin……slaps my oblivious self back to reality……soliloquzing

    July 06, 06:58 Reply

    who brought this????? not so cool as my ROB EVANS, ADONIS JAY and the current am yet to bang in delta….

  8. Masked Man
    July 06, 07:06 Reply

    That third photo tho. Looks like when you come in bae’s ass.

  9. kacee
    July 06, 07:25 Reply

    @mandy lol, mhen this guy abs are beyond this world o. Mmmmmmm so yummy,but wait o guys like this are scary because i think they either beat me or kill me one day for flirting with someone else lol

  10. Dennis Macaulay
    July 06, 07:28 Reply

    Lemme just waka pass and not rain on someone’s parade!

    I suddenly crave Iya basirat pounded yam and gbegiri

  11. Peak
    July 06, 09:03 Reply

    Can someone please enlighten me since when did it become a staple that tops or men who have a preference for being tops like twinks, men built like women or frail looking men? From what I can see he is a man so he is game. He is a well sculpted man and I would gladly top a man like him. KD ppl and all these rules they like to pull from thin air. Talk about coloring the the word “Mancandy” in brown

      • Peak
        July 06, 10:00 Reply

        Emmm have u finally made up ur mind if you want me to CUM after you?

        Well our dear teflondon insinuated that with his “Association of Bottoms” themed comment.

  12. GOld
    July 06, 09:46 Reply

    PP pls leave David McIntosh for Ace.focus on Idris and Tyford.they should be enough. …..unless, of course, u are Oliver Twist

  13. Sinnex
    July 06, 09:55 Reply

    Nice man boobs…I could suck on it from now till eternity…yum yum yummy!

    • posh6666
      July 06, 18:07 Reply

      Cum on me????ewwwwwwwwww jesus needs to fix it asap!lmaooooo

  14. ruby
    July 06, 20:53 Reply


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