Once a soldier in the Prime Marine Corps from 1998 – 2005, Shawn Stinson is a 35 year old transgender male who is originally from Peoria, IL but resides in Atlanta, GA. He is a personal trainer and health fitness coach and, in 2014, he won the 1st annual FTM Body Building Competition.

For Shawn, being transgender means being yourself and living exactly how you feel inside and out.

His contribution to the transgender community, according to him, “grew on accident”. According to him, he “transitioned without knowing he was transitioning”. In 2008, after feeling weird and knowing something wasn’t right and still being unaware of what a transman was, he went to a surgeon who had never done FTM Top surgery before and said, “This is what I want. I have the money. Just do it.” Then in 2010, while watching a special on TV about a transgender man, he realized that he was not the only one. It was at that point, he came to understand and was able to put a name to what he was, a transgender man. Once he realized this, he began medically transitioning by starting hormone therapy.11009977_10152814909036184_8261197646522886022_n

Currently, Stinson’s number one focus is training for the 2nd Annual FTM Body Building Competition, taking place in October 2015 in Atlanta, GA. The event will be the first of its kind to take place in Atlanta. He is trying to maintain his title. Stinson also has his Free Fit Camp for anyone who lives in or is visiting the Atlanta, GA area.

When asked what he would say to his cisgender counterparts if given the opportunity, he responded, “We’re all the same. At the end of the day, everyone has something, whether you make it public or not, that people shun you for in your life. It could be that you had sex before marriage, married outside of your race… The list goes on and on and on. So be considerate of things that other people are going through. We’re no different than anybody else. We’re all the same. We’re human beings. It’s all about respect. That’s all we want at the end of the day – equality, right? To sum it up, try to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Think about struggles or whatever that you’ve gone through and compare.”

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  1. pete
    July 17, 06:02 Reply

    did he do gender reassignment surgery?

    • Pink Panther
      July 17, 06:09 Reply

      Very impressive one, it would seem. He looks gorgeous.

      • kacee
        July 17, 08:09 Reply

        PP that’s not the word for him he looks yummy*faints in his arms*

  2. Masked Man
    July 17, 07:52 Reply

    Biko, I don’t understand one thing.
    Was he a female before?

    A transman, was once a lady, yes?
    A transwoman was once a dude, yes?

    What is Caitlyn? A transwoman or a transman.

    • Pink Panther
      July 17, 08:04 Reply

      Caitlyn Jenner is a trans woman.
      Shawn Stinson is a trans man.
      Got it now?

      • Masked Man
        July 17, 08:27 Reply

        Yes dear,
        I’m trying to imagine some things.

  3. Peak
    July 17, 08:02 Reply

    This brother is foine. Is it me or do people kick up less dust when a woman transitions into man compared to when a man transitions into woman? Or should we just say dust is dust?

    • Francis
      July 18, 09:31 Reply

      @Peak you are so right about that. The comments on LIB dey there to back am up sef. There’s this phobia with men dumping their masculinity for femininity

  4. kacee
    July 17, 08:15 Reply

    Daummmmm his body is so hmmmmm, his arms are so hmmmmmmm, his chest is hmmmmm God i’m closer to heaven, and his face…it feels like he is looking into my soul. Hhhha *hides behind PP*

  5. Diablo
    July 17, 08:15 Reply

    This is alll very conflicting, cause this is a very attractive looking man, that i might consider shagging then i remember, oh he used to be a woman, and i’m like on second thought maybe not. This must be how straight guys feel abt transwomen lol.

    I saw on a doc that gender reassignment surgery for female to male is much more complicated and still hasn’t been perfected. It’s much harder to create the glorious form of a penis( of course) than it is to carve a hole in the groin and call it a vagina. Most trans men end up not doing it, notably chaz bono.

    Ps took me 15mins to type this, almost gave up. Patiently waiting for mobile version of site

    • kacee
      July 17, 09:04 Reply

      U need to see the doc on gender reassignment
      surgery for male to female, my Gawd slicing the guy D and sack was so…….. I don’t have the word to explain it, i wouldn’t wish that on any guy i know.

  6. #TeamKizito
    July 17, 08:23 Reply

    So he used to be a woman shey? :s

    But he isn’t fine still..

  7. Tobby
    July 17, 09:06 Reply

    It’s hard to believe he was once female

  8. bobby
    July 17, 09:47 Reply

    Jisos long as he got the d and ass am in o..anytime anywhere.

  9. Sinnex
    July 17, 10:23 Reply

    Oh my! This is one fine brotha…

  10. Django
    July 17, 13:00 Reply

    This guy ehn, I’m just so unlucky to be this ugly jare… Some people are just toooooo beautiful to behold

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